@jze@metin I tend too disagree. Yes you can run your own server. I do myself. But the matrix.org server is too big and vector.im too. So Matrix as a company has a central position and will get notice of nearly all relationships and Communication. That‘s centralistic.
After some days of opening registration on my @pixelfed server, I already have 11 active users.
22 users have registered via curated onboarding. That is: they apply for an account, need to verify their mail address (which they need to do also with open registration) and then I need to approve them.
Those 11 accounts that have been applied, but are not active, are a victim of gmail.com strict mail policy. Gmail was unhappy about the mails and refused them. Now those accounts are in a stuck state, because they need to confirm their mail addresses before the process can proceed.
Sadly, there is no way to resend the confirmation mail from the web interface (as far as I know). @dansup is already aware of this and wants to fix that.
So, if you are waiting for your account on https://pxlfed.de/ - that's way.
In the meantime gmail.com is accepting those mails, though.
I've updated my settings on https://pxlfed.de to "curated account creation" and submitted the server to be listed in the directory on @pixelfed - maybe that helps @dansup in dealing with the load of new users when there are more instances to choose from.
However, I would like to have an alternative way of registering... but well, maybe another time...
@jope@batteman@codewiz Ah, yes, that 4G barrier... I avoid partitions >4G for important stuff like programs and such. For mass data I use larger partitions with SFS or so, but also doing backups do a second partition. Having a 500 GB SSD in my A3000 is giving you plenty of storage for backups... ;)
@jope@batteman@codewiz Uhm, never had good luck wie AFS/SFS/whatever... with FFS repair is sometimes quite easy, if you are brave enough to do it: 1) quick format the partition 2) run "Unformat" from like qbtools or similar 3) be done.
DiskSalv and other "repair" operations resulted in my issues, sometimes. Quick Format & unformat worked fairly well. Not always, but in >90% of the cases.
@slothrop Naja, Prozesse noch nicht. Ich wuerde aber gerne mal dahin kommen, dass wir von "der User meldet sich und wir springen" weg- und hin zu "der User moechte etwas und wir arbeiten es sinnvoll und konzentriert ab und behalten dabei den Ueberblick" kommen.
Wenn man es verargumentieren will, kann eine Neuanschaffung ja auch ein Change sein... Ich wuerde aber "Request for Change" eher so sehen wie "bitte ein Port umpatchen" oder "User hat geheiratet und braucht einen neuen Namen" oder "bitte Software XY updaten"
@TabeaRoessner@padeluun ich hoffe mal, dass da auch die eklatante Unterfinanzierung von freier Software besprochen wird. Weniger Geld für die US-Monopolisten, mehr Geld für OpenDesk, ZenDiS & Co!
@dansup Just a question about LDAP integration in Pixelfed in general:
When having already an account in pre-ldap deployment, then deploy LDAP, will the user with the same account name be the same or another one?
That is: user "ij" exists in Pixelfed before LDAP integration and it does exists in LDAP. When the integration is done, will the LDAP "ij" be merged with the pre-ldap "ij" from Pixelfed backend or will there two seperated accounts?
@dansup@pixelfed I know that UI stuff is importing for user acceptance, but I'd be willing to contribute like € 100.- for a stable and working LDAP implementation with filter support and configuration via UI (and not patching source files like it is currently).
:xmpp: :debian: Born in Osnabrück, living in Rostock at the Baltic Sea, married, Sysadmin, Linux Geek, Data Privacy Advocate, Debian User since Bo, XMPP fan, Climate Crisis concerned, Autism (Asperger), Languages: de/en, random profile pic from https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ "On the internet, nobody knows you are a dog."Working as an IT/Network Admin for research institute.Support me: https://liberapay.com/ij/donate or patreon.com/Windfluechter