@aral@KarlHeinzHasliP@svenja I can't speak if you, or anybody else, will find Owncast adequate for their needs with screen reader support or anything else. I can tell you we've made handfuls of updates in the past to improve screen reader support, and will continue to improve accessibility with feedback, contributions, and the needs of people who use the software. I do know people who navigate only with a screen reader have used Owncast in the past, but I can't speak for their experience. I hope you find Owncast useful and will share your experience to help improve the project. Let me know if you have any questions!
Another fantastic @owncast newsletter from @roadriverrail. They do such a great job sharing what's going on in the greater ecosystem. If you haven't subscribed, it's one email every month or two and it's a really worthwhile read. I'm deeply thankful this resource exists for all of us. https://owncast.ghost.io/owncast-newsletter-january-2025/
@zachleat I know it's not popular around here, but I'll bite. I think it's more like if you already use React, you'd use the React component. If you don't, you wouldn't set up an entire React environment for a single component. You'd do something else.
@zachleat A common sense response about React. You're supposed to shame everyone who's ever even looked at it, or keep your mouth shut.
Embed this noticeGabe Kangas (gabek@social.gabekangas.com)'s status on Monday, 25-Nov-2024 00:13:00 JST
Gabe KangasIt's come to the point where I don't feel comfortable sharing Owncast streams on the Owncast Fediverse account anymore because it has enough followers where the Mastodon DDoS (hug of death) creates problems. If you think it's a problem for not real-time content like blogs, it's a critical problem with real-time video. I've been trying to improve it over time, but I think I'm going to have to really start locking things down.
@renchap@aral@goetz What is it they say about nazi bars? SWF is a club, that you voluntarily joined. That club embraces having Facebook as a member. And you still want to be in that club? Say what you want about “partnerships” or “relationships” to make yourself feel better. But, you’re hanging out at a nazi bar now, and you don’t see a problem with it. Oof.
@dansup > You might hate Meta, but you have to admit their presence here will likely lead to improvements in privacy and safety across implementations either directly or indirectly
There is absolutely, positively, 100% no way that Facebook's presence anywhere will lead to improvements in privacy. That's complete crazy talk.
You're not stupid. I know that you know better. I don't understand why you would say this.
I’ve been having a great time with my new @frameworkcomputer laptop. The flexibility is really unique. First I got to build the laptop myself with parts, and now I get it to be what I want it to be with regards to input and ports and such. I’ll probably swap out the screen bezel for a bolder color, though. The purple is not very purple. Worth the 6 month wait!
@jwz@julian At this point I’m more interested in hearing what that proposed fix is, as well. This should be public discourse. Mastodon is not the only Fediverse microblogging software that exists, so even if Mastodon were to put in a change, there’s a ton of other services out there that aren’t Mastodon that will still be doing what they’re doing now. Everyone needs to be in on this conversation, and get on the same page if the problem is to go away.
@roadriverrail It seems like many people like the Matrix bridge workflow for Discord, Slack, etc. I briefly tried to get it to work, but didn't get very far.
@aral Just want to throw this in, as it’s something I use myself: http://serveo.net/ since it’s free, convenient, and uses existing tooling. But it’s less turnkey.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. It's kind of a fork, but it's really just another release of Owncast by somebody else. They're releasing something called Owncast with functionality and decisions that have nothing to do with the real Owncast. It specifically says stuff like "Owncast does X", and Owncast does not do X, and will never do X. Only their changes do X.
I fear this may confuse people. If something goes wrong with their version of the software, people are going to ask me for support, and might make the real Owncast look bad. But I don't know if this is wrong, or if this is completely acceptable. It's open source, and the name "Owncast" isn't owned by anybody, as Owncast is an open source project, not a company. So I guess they have the right to do whatever they want and call it Owncast.
But it feels wrong, and it seems like really bad things could come of this.
Embed this noticeGabe Kangas (gabek@social.gabekangas.com)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 04:22:08 JST
Gabe KangasSaw there's a poll for "How often do you use Owncast?" In my mind, it's like asking, "How often do you use a concrete mixer?" Most people here would say "Never". But the people who need to build stuff really need a concrete mixer. If you compared a concrete mixer's popularity to an iPhone or a laptop, you'd say concrete mixers are a failure and nobody uses them. When, clearly, people use them every day to do important work.
That's how I feel when people try to gauge the "popularity" of Owncast.