On a related note: As of today the repository for the Roku application is now public! @roadriverrail and @tgpo have really taken ownership over it, and it's fantastic to see. If you want to be involved, or you're curious how Roku apps are built, now you can check it out!
@wjmaggos The AppleTV/iOS app allows you to add any arbitrary Owncast server, but currently the Roku only allows you to browse the directory. However, if people show interest, and people use it, it can grow, and more features can be added! @roadriverrail and @tgpo are currently prepping the Roku app to be a bit more flexible and support things like this in the future if it makes sense.
Owncast is built on top of video streaming standards, meaning video players that support network video can play an Owncast stream. On your TV, phone, car, game console, wherever!
There are some other options for watching Owncast streams on other platforms.
If you’re ever curious about what the Owncast project is up to, there’s a handy roadmap that’s a one stop shop to answering your questions at https://owncast.online/roadmap/.
It not only tells you what the plan going into the future is, but also what the status of the current work is, who’s working on it, what still needs to be worked on, and how you can help.
Owncast exists to be the infrastructure behind your live streams, whatever content or style or audience they might be.
If you have thoughts or ideas that you think would benefit live streamers, please reach out.
This isn't necessarily so we can implement every idea that is suggested. But each thought and concern has a conversation behind it that can benefit everyone. Without these conversations, the project can't know what is most useful, and can't grow.
Thanks to a suggestion from @roadriverrail we're seeing if there's any interest in a periodic Owncast community email. The idea is to feature streamers, share tips, highlight releases, and try to reach out a bit more.
If you think this should exist, feel free to throw your email into the hat. If nobody is interested, that's cool too! Like always, we only want to create things people actually want.
You might think after reading this post "Hasn't Owncast been saying this for years?" Yes. And we still haven't given up!
As new, very cool, features start to get planned, the Owncast project is on the hunt for a user experience designer to help us turn them into reality.
Do you want to have a say in how new features, that will get into people's hands, work and look? Now is the time to get involved, early on, so you can have influence on them.
@John_Livingston When I did research into it before I was unable to get PeerTube follow an Owncast account. It seems like PeerTube federates on a server level, not an account level. So one PeerTube server needs to follow another PeerTube server? Not an account on PeerTube could follow another account elsewhere? If I remember correctly, anyway. I'd love for that to improve, but I was pretty stuck. Without that being resolved the chat discussion is pretty moot.
Are you familiar with @radiofreefedi, the fantastic community radio for the Fediverse? All the awesome music and audio content created by those across the Fediverse is now simulcasted in video as another way to enjoy it.
@hamishtpb There's no real concept of a channel or show, it's all just an instance of the Owncast server. Each server supports one concurrent stream. There's no plans to change it into something more purpose-built for providers instead of individuals.
Owncast is a free and open source live video and chat server for your events. Stream your entertainment, education, tv station, performances, games, communities, conferences, or whatever you have to share with an audience without big tech.