@dansup are we talking about the same Meta who manages Instagram, to which I *daily report: harassment, doxing, offences, violent posts, unsafe food challenges etc... and which regularly reply with "We didn't remove the post you reported because it doesn't violate our rules". Are we really talking about the same company? They can definitely do better, yes. I don't care if they join Activity Pub, but let's not take them as a moderation example, please.
@dansup I'm not comparing "apples" with "trees", I'm just saying that I do not trust nor like how Meta handle moderation.
I'm not even talking about proactive moderation (catching certain content before I see it) but the fact that even when you point them to something specific, they state that episodes of food challenges or clear doxing and offences do not violate their policy.
I've seen fediverse instances with almost zero resources to handle this content correctly.
@dansup if Meta is "too big" to handle moderation, maybe they should rethink the whole thing.
About your last point, I genuinely do not understand it (I may be missing some context or knowledge). Happy to answer if you can elaborate it a bit more. Thanks
@dansup@andreagrandi I think it's fair, yes. People keep saying stuff like this as if these platforms are just uwu smol bean fedi admins who were trying to run chill little communities when suddenly billions of users signed up overnight and now they're doing their best to moderate it all but really struggling to find the time what with work and childcare. They're not, they're groups of grown adults who sat around a conference table one day and deliberately chose to allow libsoftiktok to stay on their platforms because they'd make very slightly more money that way and that's more important to them than keeping vulnerable people safe. If your goals for fedi are anything more noble than "make network big" then surely Meta are almost by definition your enemy?
@dansup@andrewt and I think you (Dan) are doing a lot on this subject. If people at Meta had even 1/10 of your concerns and care, even their platform would be much better.
To be clear, I'm not against federation with them, but I strongly think they have a lot to learn from the fediverse about moderation, not the other way around.
@dansup Meta. The benovelant multinational . That's a new one. ... mmm. not . wait a minute.. That has an old vibe. Microsoft vs Linux kind of. And after years of 'fights' finally the consensus has fermented in the inclusive sponsor-hunters friendly internet : 'U may hate MS but look and admire their presense and tech merits. And as for the other side .. ha RMS the pedofile!!!'
What SWF is doing is giving Facebook legitimacy; enabling it to launder its reputation using *your* legitimacy.
Let me put it plainly: in Mark’s eyes PixelFed—however small—is a competitor and a potential future threat. He’s not going to help you hurt him. He will, however, embrace, extend and extinguish you.
@aral@dansup I feel like this is what happened with XMPP when Google chose to shutdown its support in Google Chat (or whatever it was called at the time), many people used their server out of convenience because self-hosting was far less common (still isn't), and then XMPP population dropped massively because of Google's decision. The protocol never quite recovered from that IMHO.
@dansup > You might hate Meta, but you have to admit their presence here will likely lead to improvements in privacy and safety across implementations either directly or indirectly
There is absolutely, positively, 100% no way that Facebook's presence anywhere will lead to improvements in privacy. That's complete crazy talk.
You're not stupid. I know that you know better. I don't understand why you would say this.