@shriramk@stephstephking@inthehands I don’t know that that’s true. these conversations are really about money, right? admin can still be convinced to dissolve a department (and corresponding degree programs) if they believe its main purpose is to serve other units
all these software people obsessed with “shipping” and “deliverables” and “package managers” should consider the possibility that postal work might be their true calling
@mcc yeah it’s even funnier on a train. like oh you want to go from your current location? well first uhhh get out of the train tunnel you nincompoop and walk to the station you just came from, where you will have missed the train you’re currently on
@grimalkina@inthehands some of us may never be all the way healed (in part because we had a lot of experiences similar to OP along the way). but i have so much frustration with my peers & elders who won’t even acknowledge that there’s a cycle to break
sometimes i see bird photos on here and i’m like oh cool, i notice birds sometimes. i should take pictures and show them to the internet. how hard could it be
it's weird to me that so many cafes have raised the bar when it comes to coffee (e.g. offering a range of bean selections, brewing methods, higher barista skill level) but when you order tea it's still just like, here's a bag dunked in hot water lol
why am i expected to set the timer to brew my tea and take my mug over to the trash to dispose of the bag when it's brewed to the appropriate strength. why is this not the barista's job. if i can wait for a 6 minute pourover i can wait for someone else to brew my tea
tell me you understand the difference between semantics and pragmatics without telling me you understand the difference between semantics and pragmatics
professionally: professing, programming, provingrecreationally: shitposting, collecting hobbies, doing things the hard way “when abstraction sets to killing you, you’ve got to get busy with it.” —Camus“i’m gonna love you like i’ve never been hurt before. i’m gonna love you like i’m indestructible.” —Robyn¬(∀x. free(x)) ⇒ ¬∃x. free(x)