🤔 Is there a term comparable to "cargo-culted" without the baggage of the racist myth of cargo cults? Meaning roughly "pattern copied because you see others who seem to be successful doing it, but with no good reason behind it".
@dalias Best practices? In my experience it is code for "do what I said because I say so / other people are doing it, so we should do it / it sounds authoritative, so it must be correct".
Has all the fun hallmarks of appealing to an imaginary authority while preemptively chilling any attempts at nuance or building a better understanding of the problem at hand.
Where it always comes up: we run into code that's either not compiling with #musl or compiling but then failing to do the right thing at runtime, because it's doing some convoluted nonportable dance in place of a direct and simple thing that would have worked on any system.
And the bad thing it's doing is a pattern that's somehow become popular, probably from a few major pieces of sw doing it.
And I want to say it's "cargo culted", but that term perpetuates a racist myth..
I'm kinda doubtful this thread will come up with a perfect phrasing that carries the same disdain for the behavior, but at least maybe it'll get folks thinking and eventually something will stick.
@chrisamaphone It doesn't convey the important point that they're copying something without any understanding of what it means, and without recognizing that it's wrong, either in all contexts, or in their context that isn't the same as what they copied it from.