People seem to not want to defend "civil servants" but decades of slash-and-burn business school graduates have convinced everyone that cutting employees is the only way to make things "efficient" and... NO! IT TAKES EMPLOYEES TO DO STUFF! THE GOVERNMENT IS THERE TO SERVE US & THAT TAKES EMPLOYEES!
I love it* when students ask questions that reveal that not only did they not read the assignment carefully, but they also did not do ANY of the work this semester that would have told them already what the answer is
Hey this is just a friendly reminder to anyone (in America) that IUDs last for 5 years and your insurance has to cover it (for the next 2 months at least)
It's bumming me out to see so many universities forcing their English departments to put on a "English Majors Are Useful Too" promotional campaign to justify their existence when my experience out on the job market right now is HOT DAMN THIS ONE CAN WRITE A SENTENCE
America says it does not have the money that students can go to college without incurring a mountain of debt but it has the money for eleventy billion cops to arrest & beat college students for a protest
On the one hand, bye-bye Tucker Carlson. On the other, you just KNOW they're only going to get someone WORSE and he's going to go somewhere with even fewer* journalistic standards
Writer of #FlashFiction #MicroFiction & #novelsFormer Philadelphian living in #MontrealPublic school advocate for #PHLed#Hockey mom of a #FigureSkaterReader of #LitMags, #SciFi, and #HorrorJe parle #français aussiPhoto description: A white woman with auburn hair standing in front of a red wallBackground image description: A refrigerator full of food items with googly eyes stuck on them as an April Fools prank