@japipes then you might have to check your settings! There is a section where you can decide what post types you want to federate. If you deactivate attachments, it will no longer publish media uploads!
@darnell I had a pretty positive and mostly professional community on Twitter, so I haven't seen a lot of bad stuff... But the "For you" pages for newly created accounts... 🤢
I had to set up a Twitter and a Threads account to promote a WordCamp.... The content/users that are recommended to you are even worse when the networks have no information about you.... I'm so glad I deleted all my Meta and Twitter accounts and hope to hand over the WordCamp accounts soon!
I'm happy to be in the #fediverse, and even happier not to have algorithmic feeds there!
@freuwesen@NickBohle aber fragen kostet erstmal nix... ich versuche mir jeden tag zeit zu nehmen um fragen und support requests zu beantworten... kann ab und zu etwas dauern, aber bisher klappt das noch gut...
web worker, blogger, podcaster, #openweb advocate and citizen of the #indieweb and the #fediverse.Open Web Wrangler @ #AutomatticI am currently working on the #ActivityPub plugin and several #IndieWeb (mainly #Webmentions) plugins for #WordPress! Besides of that, I maintain some other small Open Web plugins and try to help out on the #pluginkollektiv.Follow my blog on the fediverse: "@pfefferle"#fedi22