@futurebird@ktoddbrown This falls into the false belief that digital natives will magically know everything about computers because they grew up surrounded by them. The number of things I have to go over with students in *IT* courses is astounding (not talking first year either)
@patrickcmiller there are some use cases that make sense. The one that drives me nuts these days are the blog posts with a headline AI image for no good reason. Most articles don’t need anything, but a norm has developed where people expect to see an image at the top of the page.
@fribbledom@lisamelton Heh - talking to someone spending too much time editing that automation to handle all of the edge cases that I didn’t run into on the first round…
@thegrugq I believe that's the result of a limitation in the CVE categories. For some reason, nobody thought to include any of the following categories: - 🤦 boneheaded default creds - 🤞insufficiently obfuscated debug tool - ☹️<insert state name> made us do this - 🤨forgot to hook up auth mechanism
Who do we petition to get more granular CVE classification (with Emoji shortcuts)?
@elizabeth@lanodan BBEdit? Or maybe just vi? On a file named index.html in the default place for nginx to server it up? Or just create a Github project and populate the readme file?
Sigh. When people aren’t taught the basics first they think everything requires a big complicated tech stack.
Odds on whether this page will end up hosted on K8S?
@GossiTheDog OK - we have officially passed the line where at first and second glance I have no idea if this is: - True - The Onion that somehow got relinked on the BBC - Some AI generated nonsense that got past human review - A doctored screen shot
@GossiTheDog@briankrebs Assuming you get hit by a competent ransolware operator. I had a client that had their ESXi servers encrypted with a Linux toolkit which rendered them unbootable so everything had to be reinstalled anyway...
@GossiTheDog OK, so what you’re trying to say is that they got pwned via their Cisco VPN (https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2023-20269) and the attackers stole the source code so they could develop 0days to pwn all of the Ivanti boxes?
@lanodan trying to learn this was what took me to the dark side: Perl. It was another decade+ before I would consider using anything based on inspired by C
I like solving interesting problems and understanding how things work.Dual citizenship #Canada/#France.Independent IT #consultant focused on #infrastructure, with an ongoing hobby horse of #backups, data protection and availability.Either a dilettante or a polymath - it's hard to tell some days.Core skills: troubleshootingHe/Him