@nugger@yockeypuck@boeswilligkeit you would stay your blade if you knew this heart that loves his people. every day I am waking you up from your slumber slowly, one snore at a time. i don't blame you, i blame the occupation tragedy that has befallen us, and the subversion and withholding of information and i will never tire of stirring those who I know can be woken up. Want to know why Paganism lost? because we could not kill our own kin. If we did we'd have lost doubly. This is the real tragedy of the entire occupation. Would you be able to destroy your own brother or your own child if they became converted in a foreign cult?
@hj real animals. not niggerkike fake "animals" in cheap theme park outfits from china looking like some retarded nigger taxidermy that used 70s fluff dash protectors as fur trying to disappoint your parents with degeneracy just like trannykikes and making everyone else cringe.
@hidden@allison@moth dogs are cute or magnificent, never attractive. your suslevel is now on defcon1488. i don't believe you have a single attractive woman in your meme folder, why is that?
"See that Mein Führer, your spirit has risen again as the Aryan Avatar, once more among the Aryan people they seek Traditions that are Racially their own, the Volkisch Awakening is happening and it was your efforts that fought for and gave them this knowledge". :windmilloffriendship:
@Leaflord you retrieve it from the collection tray, but on closer expection you see it is far too light for that, and is actually a tube of pervitin, you bout to blitz and macht snell mein neger. The Third Reich was the first country to legalize all drug use and even kids could buy pervitin over the counter.
@BowsacNoodle how good are your reflexes usually? like if a cup gets knocked from a counter or table, can you catch it? how often do you dream? and have you had any dreams in different time periods say hundreds or thousands of years in the past or future?