@broadwaybabyto I had a rough start to my day when fire inspection came to my apartment but refused to wear a mask properly. I had to give him one. Fine. PUT IT OVER YOUR NOSE. I had to yell. I had to tell him to get out as he tried to shove past me to get into my home. He was VISIBLY SICK. I fucking hate these idiot Maga fux. You will NOT come in my home with your snot.
@mcnado The lie that #homeless people are drug addicts and criminals has to be stopped. In any give group in society, you can find drug addicts and criminals. Some are in Congress. Some work in healthcare. Some work in schools. #Homeless people are not lazy. Homeless people are not bad. Society failed them and they deserve to be lifted up out of the hole, not shoved back down by their face. It's wrong.
@skinnylatte I have always thought online to be a pseudo life. Those aren't friends. Friends are people who show up in your life because they care about you, not what they get from you. Real relationships happen in real life. Online people will hate you for no reason and go after total strangers with vitriol over a thought or opinion they don't like. Online is not safe. For girls and women, nowhere is safe because boys are being raised to be shitty men.
@lovelylovely These people are dumb as a brick. Gaza is about to be a memory. Huckabee as Israel Ambassador already declared there's no such thing as Palestinians.
If they wanted a different outcome? They should have used their limited brain power and figured out that murderous, racist Republicans will NEVER protect humans from harm.
@MariaHill@TonyStark I'm laughing at all the stunningly stupid people who didn't vote or #protestvoted who are clutching their pearls. The only recourse was #voting and the legion of dumb couldn't reach up to grasp that concept.
Every shitty thing that happens is on the dumbfuck ultra left and Bernie Sanders. #hypocrites
@MariaHill@TonyStark Looks like all the illiterate #burnitalldown brats are getting their wish. I have been laughing at people who think leaving the country is an option. Putin just took most of the continent of Africa. U.S. and western military forces were booted out. Putin is using N. Korean troops to fight Ukraine war, which is part of Europe. Our standing in the world tanked bc of his last administration. We'll never get it back in our lifetimes.
@lovelylovely Bunch of dumbfuck protest voters. Wait until they see what's coming for them! And young white American men are apparently horrible people.
@lovelylovely@Pagan_Activist I agree with you Candy. Too many Americans are stupid, lazy and don't care about anything. I have been around too many of them. In 2016 they were 22. So now they're about 30. And they don't vote. Because nothing is their problem or responsibility. They're huge assholes. It's the same age range for the fuckheads in my building who said their boyfriend tells them who to vote for. DUMB BITCH ALERT.
#Democrats always serve all constituents, not just the people who voted for them. #Democrats do their best to serve the great good.
#Republicans serve themselves and their stock portfolios.
I also don't understand why Christians are so hateful and violent. I don't understand what they gain from lying about everything. This anti-science bs doesn't accomplish anything.
@wiseguyeddie Shit!! Stay safe y'all. All #climatechange and #science deniers can fuck all the way off. Science works whether you believe in it or not.
@amydiehl Spinster is a word used to insult women, but it refers to women who were so good at spinning yarn, making cloth, and making money that they didn't have to depend on a man. They don't like smart, capable, independent women.
@f800gecko@tawtovo@heidilifeldman Anyone who "needs to be won over" is a complete dumbfuck. The dumbass Bernie bro contingent created this mess along with right wing extremists. This is why all extremists suck. Lots of yelling. No brains. Like the complete morons supporting Hamas. None of those idiots can be reasoned with. 👀 The adults will vote for THE qualified candidate while the brats criticize from the sidelines. Institutional knowledge counts more than feelings.
@tawtovo@heidilifeldman I watched. It wasn't a disaster. I felt sorry for him because I could tell he couldn't breathe through his nose. Turns out it was a cold. He isn't a yelling kind of guy. Never has been. I think his mind was blown like mine was at the outrageous lies from DT. It took me a minute to try to process. I can't imagine how surreal it was in the room. The moderators were WORTHLESS and that's who should be getting dragged.
@jik@tawtovo@heidilifeldman I watched the debate. The terrifying part was the fascist fat fuck spewing lies and the moderators being worthless. It was mind-blowing.
A stutterer with a cold who can't breathe through his nose is NOT terrifying. Good job being another gullible dingbat millennial taking Republican/Russian bait. Idiot.
@ingalls It's interesting watching other countries demonstrate how voting works-- thereby protecting their own future if stupid Americans tank our democracy.
Artist writer #DepecheMode #DannyElfman #CocteauTwins fan I block misogynists, racists, idiots, assholes, and conspiracy theorists of every stripe.I'm on the #autistic spectrum. Fresh out of patience with normies and idiots. You have Google too.Please help me keep going. The struggle is REAL. Donate here: https://buy.stripe.com/aEUeUUag8aZX0Hm146