Friends, it is important to know that millions of rank and file Democrats are concerned about Biden’s health and/or his ability to beat Trump. Accusing them of wanting a Trump victory is neither accurate nor honest. We have to be the party where people can freely express concerns about Biden — otherwise, we risk degenerating into the current Republican situation, where all dissent has been quashed. 1/
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:16 JST Heidi Li Feldman
- Elledeeay and Tim Chambers repeated this.
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Tawtovo (ܬܘܬܒܐ) ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:14 JST Tawtovo (ܬܘܬܒܐ)
What confuses me is how fully the narrative of "Biden's disastrous debate performance" has taken hold. I didn't watch the debate, but I read much of the transcript and many descriptions of the debate, and I don't see anything disastrous other than Trump's continuous falsehoods with no fact-checking from the venue. If Biden had spent all his time fact-checking Trump, he would be criticized for not putting forward a positive vision! Why do people think a quiet voice is a disaster?Elledeeay repeated this. -
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:15 JST Heidi Li Feldman
As I have said before, my only interest in the upcoming federal elections is in Democrats holding the White House and Senate and, if at all possible, taking the House. My nightmare is a Republican trifecta at the federal level. None of us can know today the best way to produce the best outcome and avert the worst. Many of us are anxious and afraid. Some crave a certainty that is impossible to achieve until we have the election and winners are inaugurated. Understandable, but impossible. 2/
Elledeeay and Tim Chambers repeated this. -
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:15 JST Heidi Li Feldman
We have to be able to talk to each other, here and elsewhere, without unduly exacerbating each other’s vulnerabilities, anger, and fears regarding American politics at this particularly difficult juncture. I am grateful to those who clearly make an effort to respond in a measured way to those who differ from them in their assessments of Biden’s health and abilities. I am trying to absorb a wide range of views on these matters. I invite you to join me in this effort. 3/
Elledeeay and Tim Chambers repeated this. -
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Kevin Leecaster ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:54 JST Kevin Leecaster
@tawtovo @heidilifeldman
It's political technology that has learned to create public opinions using social media along with a few crooked media outlets and a bunch of complicit useful idiot ones that has convinced so many people that Biden lost that debate imo.Elledeeay repeated this. -
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Hash ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:23:55 JST Hash
@GreenFire @tawtovo @heidilifeldman
Biden did not lose debate. He showed faint voice, lost gaze, incoherent rebuttals. His lisp did not help. His policy was supreme but was not audible -
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Jonathan Kamens ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:24:10 JST Jonathan Kamens
@tawtovo @heidilifeldman I did watch the debate. Biden's performance in the first half hour was terrifying. We need to be able to acknowledge reality, not gaslight people who know what they saw.
I assure you, the transcripts do not do it justice. I suggest you go back and watch a recording if you want to understand what people are and were concerned about.
I'm not advocating for him to drop out. I don't think that's the right answer. I just think we need to be honest with ourselves.Elledeeay repeated this. -
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That Girl Over There ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:24:36 JST That Girl Over There
@jik @tawtovo @heidilifeldman I watched the debate.
The terrifying part was the fascist fat fuck spewing lies and the moderators being worthless.
It was mind-blowing.A stutterer with a cold who can't breathe through his nose is NOT terrifying.
Good job being another gullible dingbat millennial taking Republican/Russian bait.
Idiot. -
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That Girl Over There ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:26:36 JST That Girl Over There
@tawtovo @heidilifeldman I watched. It wasn't a disaster. I felt sorry for him because I could tell he couldn't breathe through his nose. Turns out it was a cold. He isn't a yelling kind of guy. Never has been. I think his mind was blown like mine was at the outrageous lies from DT. It took me a minute to try to process. I can't imagine how surreal it was in the room. The moderators were WORTHLESS and that's who should be getting dragged.
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Kyle Memoir 🍉 ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:26:57 JST Kyle Memoir 🍉
@originlbookgirl @tawtovo @heidilifeldman
Everyone is making excuses for the man. If one is a hardened Dem, no problem. But he won over no one who needs to be won. Let’s not kid ourselves. A more alert vigorous man, cold and all, would have clobbered Trump. He got in one punch; the rest was Trump doing his version of rope-a-dope and biting an ear off into the bargain and getting away with it. God help us.
Elledeeay repeated this. -
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Tawtovo (ܬܘܬܒܐ) ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:26:57 JST Tawtovo (ܬܘܬܒܐ)
"A hardened Dem" sounds like a variety of criminal. I'm not actually any sort of Democrat; I'm an independent who values constitutional democracy and opposes fascism. I'm not making any excuses for Biden. I just don't see any disaster. But perhaps the transcript smooths things out too much. -
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That Girl Over There ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 07:27:04 JST That Girl Over There
@f800gecko @tawtovo @heidilifeldman Anyone who "needs to be won over" is a complete dumbfuck.
The dumbass Bernie bro contingent created this mess along with right wing extremists.
This is why all extremists suck.
Lots of yelling. No brains.
Like the complete morons supporting Hamas. None of those idiots can be reasoned with.
The adults will vote for THE qualified candidate while the brats criticize from the sidelines. Institutional knowledge counts more than feelings. -
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 08:26:34 JST Heidi Li Feldman
Whatever your or my most ardent preference is for who does or does not head the Democratic ticket come November, we have to work together to put as many Democrats in office, at every level and every state. We can’t lose our focus on this. It has never worked for Democrats to insist that we all agree on everything. That isn’t the culture of the party nor the temperament of its rank and file. 4/
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 08:27:05 JST Heidi Li Feldman
We don’t agree on when and whether we should discuss our differences. We don’t agree on any number of specific policy issues. I believe that we do agree on the importance of rule of law and secular, pluralistic democracy. In an era when so many do not, I am grateful for every one of you who does. 5/
Tim Chambers repeated this. -
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Heidi Li Feldman ('s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 08:27:05 JST Heidi Li Feldman
Let’s be good to one another and hard as hell on the Republican crime syndicate and its theocratic, anti-democratic agenda. 6/6