@cowanon@nicecrew.digital@lain@lain.com Only in terms of fidelity and realism. Even facially, she just isn't as strongly iconic as the original, regardless of which era of tru-Croft you're comparing her to.
@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me@coolboymew@shitposter.world One other difference is that it doesn't have a "super mega depression because r e a s o n s" arc and actually works through problems in a substantive but healthier way than Bisque Doll does. The former becomes like therapy (but more enjoyable), while the latter just has d r a m a. Still following both, though (manga).
@coolboymew@shitposter.world@icedquinn@blob.cat@birdulon@shpposter.club@kaia@brotka.st@taylan@fedi.feministwiki.org I will take any semi-reasonable opportunity to plug armory3d.org Could have been the next big thing by now if Patreon hadn't fucked it over by refunding everyone who supported it. But, it's still chugging along and just got a new voxel-based Global Illumination feature added. And, so far, no politics. Partly because it's not "le popular" and doesn't have a swarm of "prideful" indie devs flocking to it.
@mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world@sun@shitposter.world He's missing nothing in the remake, from what I've seen. I'd say he'd be dodging a bullet, but he's not dodging anything, based on her aim. He should go for nu-Ashley or remake Clair or both.