@dansup AI is a monster we've birthed that will eat us all. It won't stop till the entire Solar System is turned into a Dyson Matrioshka shell of computronium.
It said in a favourite SciFi book I once read.
Exponential growth with short doubling periods in datacentre water and electricity consumption will hit the brick wall of resource constraints sooner rather than later. Countries and regions that use preferential treatment to attract it, will see that limit early.
Now we're well into 3rd Qtr, what are Labour, NHS, UKHSA and JVCI plans for the autumn covid vaccination programme?
It's all very well telling people to keep up to date with boosters. But the kids never got the first vax and most of the UK hasn't had a booster for years.
How long would it take Labour to resurrect the mitigations, test and trace we had in 2022? - Free (limited number) of LFT - NHS Reporting for all tests - The Covid app - ONS data analysis - Free Vax for everyone > 6 months, twice a year - Mask-vax mandates in health care - Scrap UKHSA, resurrect PHE - Rebuild JVCI and SAGE - Wastewater testing - Variant reporting
Then work on Indoor Air Quality and hygiene. Standards and public information.
So many diseases are spread via the respiratory system. Air hygiene should be a big thing now. It works against all of them. Even before there's a vax.
If only we'd done these, we'd be totally ready. Clean air in schools โ Respirators being worn widely โ Good infection control in hospitals โ
#CovidIsNotOver and yet we're talking about the "next" pandemic.
Find a country of around the right size. Displace and clear out the people who already live there. Allow any person of Palestinian heritage free passage to move to this new country. Provide whatever aid is necessary to help them make a new start.
Pretty much the only fundamental change that might work is PR. That way a coalition of minority Labour+LibDem+SNP might be able to steer a course back to sanity. The way to get that is 1) utterly destroy the Conservative Party and 2) don't vote for the Labour candidate if another party is more likely to stop the Tory candidate.
JVCI, and especially Dr Adam Finn need to be censured and maybe disbarred. "Most under 65s will end up boosting immunity not by vax but by multiple infections". When enough vax is already paid for and in stock for the 50-65s. Just not delivered.
Seeing increasing numbers of articles about the effects of lockdowns and home schooling on attendance and behaviour in schools. But nothing about the effects of Covid infections on pupils, staff & parents around schooling. Am I just missing something here?
I wonder about the state of mind now of those who leapt in after the 7 Oct Hamas atrocity with unconditional support for Netanyahu and the Israeli Government. After the last month, do they still think the Israeli Government deserve that unconditional support? Is there no room for criticism in their minds?
Julian BondChief Entertainment OfficerUK. EU Maximalist. Born: 2.7b, 314ppm.Vax-Air-Space-Mask-Test-Isolate-Wash. Ok, so far. #Cocktail #Collapse #Climate #Cyberpunk #Motorcycle #Music #fedi22 https://linktr.ee/jbond23KopyLeft - All rights reversed - Feel free to re-purpose any of my burbling.