@Doll@jill I have one ancestor who was given away as an infant in the mid 1800s to another family and another who became a White indentured servant in the early 1900s to a wealthy man. It happens.
@jill@Doll I wish it were 200+ years ago and you could help a destitute family with one daughter too many who needs to be raised and educated into a higher class stratum by taking her off their hands. Sometimes laws and regulations get in the way of life and what could be.
@glitter I'm confused. How are you a girl if you say you are the husband of your wife, and you also say you like girls. I assume you are using the word husband liberally and you are a lesbian? Not that it matters but I don't like being baffled.
@cowanon@AlabasterBrick Why would jews lie about that? It would be such an enormous, boldface lie. Are you saying that Sandra Liang was not 100% White?
"Skin is a 2008 biographical drama film directed by Anthony Fabian. It is based on the book When She Was White: The True Story of a Family Divided by Race by Judith Stone,[1] and the life of Sandra Laing, a South African woman born to white parents, who was classified as "Coloured" during the apartheid era, presumably due to a genetic case of atavism.[2]"
@_Seraphim_ Trump is 100% owned by the jews. Everything he's doing now is to placate Whites so we don't 110 the jews. Does anyone else notice the sudden re-emergence of Christianity in the media? Bret Baer had ashes from Lent on his forehead on the news tonight on Fox. Mark Wahlberg had ashes as well and is pushing an app called "Hallow" for Christian prayer and is all over Fox. The jews are allowing Christianity in the media to appease Whites and get us to calm down and pray instead of expelling them. What Trump and Elon are doing is a con - the appearance of what we want, but really they are helping to consolidate jewish power. The jews are playing good cop/bad cop with us. The leftist jews are bad cops now and the rightist jews are good cops doing what we want. It's all so tiresome. Start 110 already.
@ArdainianRight The jews are an insane race. The point of the Talmud is to outwit God with their cleverness and go around His rules. "The Talmud allows what the Torah forbids." No wonder they kept it hidden from the goyim. If the going had known earlier they would have exterminated the jews along time ago
@Eiregoat@eee@EUCommission You know what occurred to me recently? That the phrase "greatest generation" has been drilled into our brains throughout our entire lives, and it was done as a weaponized phrase and a Satanic Inversion. Why were they greater than any other soldiers in any other war? Because they fought the greatest threat to the jew. And it was a Satanic Inversion because they were in fact the greatest sacrifices - fighting against their best interests, fighting their brothers, fighting to destroy European traditional culture, fighting against the liberation of their brothers and all Whites from the clutches of the jew. Hearing the phrase "greatest generation" makes me sick now. The jew has brainwashed us with lies our entire lives since 1945.