@TrevorGoodchild@sickburnbro@petra@Tripp@AmonMaritza@lpheathen I've heard that limiting caloric intake is more important than burning them at the gym because your body just re-budgets towards that exercise rather than things like inflammation (which is still good obviously). Is my understanding correct, or what would you have to comment on this?
@James_Dixon@sickburnbro@cough "Neighbor" != "benefactor". The Samaritan was a good neighbor, i.e. he did what was demanded by charity towards the man on the side of the road because *that man was his neighbor in that moment by virtue of being in his immediate sphere of influence so he had the ability to help him in his need*. All three who passed by were neighbors in this sense, but only the Samaritan did his neighborly duty which is what Christ was asking at the end. The point of the parable is anyone you come across is your neighbor, even if they're from a group you don't like (Samaritans and Jews hated each other), though granted if they're actively subverting and destroying your people then you are bound by the higher principle to that latter group to oppose them with whatever force is necessary for the defense of those whom God has given to you by blood. Good grief you KJVtards are annoying, this is why God instituted a Church and not 30,000 book clubs to interpret His holy Word.
@James_Dixon@sickburnbro@cough It was the Samaritan who was illustrating the principle of love of neighbor by caring for the man on the side of the road, despite the general animosity between their peoples. It has nothing to do with repaying others' kindness.
@sun@c whining about layoffs and people rightly calling game devs retards for putting a nigger in medieval Japan or turning this unbelievably cute Dutch gril into that abomination from Horizon-openworldshit-literallywhocares youtube.com/watch?v=mP6b1yGaWDY
@EarlofAlbemarle Not sure if serious or not but here's the scoop for anyone who still needs to hear it:
Women are hypergamous by nature. They want the biggest, baddest gigachad they can get, which is why they're only really interested in the top 5% with the next 15% being "alright" and the bottom 80% not even showing up on their radar. The good news is not every girl can get Brad Pitt and you just have to outdo the competition in your area, but you still have to put in the effort. They may seem cold and self-centered, but you have to understand that simply by virtue of being a female they've been inundated with male attention from their peers since the moment they hit the kindergarten playground, and they simply don't have enough damns to give for every guy that so much as flutters his eyelids at them.
So what do women want? Well there are two sides to this, which can be summed up as "alpha f###s and beta bucks", or more politely "alpha seed and beta need". In other words, they want a guy who's self-assured and capable, and exerts dominance in all that he does, yet at the same time they also want a good provider who will care for them and the kids. Which way they lean depends on things like their age/position in life or even just their menstrual cycles, but it should be noted that while they have some emotional need for the "beta" side of hypergamy once in a long-term relationship, it is only the alpha side that actually attracts them. YOU WILL NOT ATTRACT A WOMAN - I DON'T CARE HOW "DIFFERENT" SHE IS FROM OTHER GIRLS - BY BEING A "NICE GUY".
So what does that mean in practice? In short, just be a better man for your own sake, "build it and they will come" and all that, and don't be afraid to piss her off. Don't just sit there fawning over her every whim, intentionally don't take things seriously and playfully misinterpret what she says, don't always be available to be her emotional tampon whenever she wants, if married smack her on the ass, chicks love that stuff; have some basic self-respect in other words and she will respect you back for it. If you want to learn more, The Rational Male and Chateau Heartiste are goldmines, and both have book compilations of their blog posts available on Amazon if that's more your thing, and Dalrock is of particular interest for understanding wahmen in a Christian context. Speaking of which, I didn't really get into patriarchal headship but tl;dr God appointed Adam as Eve's head and there is no squaring modern "complementarian" notions of "co-equality" with everything Scripture has to say on the subject. See Stone Choir for that. stone-choir.com/on-women-scripture-and-ontology/
@graf@WhiteApe@judgedread Hope we don't end up causing an Eternal September, in any case thanks for putting this site up, can't wait to see what it's like. o/
@graf@WhiteApe@judgedread Maybe it's been asked before, but have you seen this video where Rob Colbert explains how ActivityPub made it really easy for script kiddies to DDoS Gab and why they had to shut down federation? Out of curiosity, has the problem been solved or how do you guys avoid such problems? youtube.com/watch?v=3kDtZ8MBWy8