Notices by dg54321 (
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dg54321 ('s status on Friday, 26-Jul-2024 01:17:22 JST dg54321
@Suiseiseki @anonicus What's amazing to me is how many big businesses STILL do not have SPF/DKIM/DMARC setup properly and I spent a lot of time clearing our quarantine out because of it. I have everything that is a spoofed email without validation sent to quarantine because so many phishing emails were getting through otherwise. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Friday, 26-Jul-2024 01:14:40 JST dg54321
@Suiseiseki @anonicus Making it isn't hard. Keeping it from getting owned and used as a bot farm to send out phishing/spam, getting your IP blacklisted, is. By nature, if you have a relay, and you have to in order to have a functional mail server, they will see it and immediately start attacking it. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Mar-2024 04:56:36 JST dg54321
@Dudebro @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Jewpacabra @Largo They also don't do stealth generally. They're the type to light your car on fire, fail at it, and then ook and eek while jumping around daring you to do something about it. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Mar-2024 04:56:35 JST dg54321
@Dudebro @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Jewpacabra @Largo "Why you arresting me offisuh?! I DIDNT DO NUFFIN!!!!"
Once you realize this about niggers, their behavior becomes so much more explainable. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:49:03 JST dg54321
@sickburnbro @MoralPanic @petra @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild Well, that's exactly what we have today. An apathetic populace that wants to just ignore the issue, and pretend it's OK and not have to do anything about it. Forcing them to not be able to just ignore the problem is key. The government has every interest in keeping them ignorant and docile. They are getting everything they could have ever wanted and I don't see the point in advocating for more of the same. It only works against our interests. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:44:29 JST dg54321
@sickburnbro @MoralPanic @petra @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild The State has always claimed a monopoly on violence. That's no surprise. People don't realize that it's not true. And never has been.
Perhaps this theoretical future of mass unplanned violence would change that. Open people's eyes. Maybe not.
Either way, most will not survive. Death is a necessary part of life, and an essential part of regaining one's freedom from oppressors. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:36:58 JST dg54321
@MoralPanic @petra @sickburnbro @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild "no other options"
So, list some. All I see is criticism of someone advocating for action.
"almost always loses"
Afghanistan, Vietnam and every other asymmetrical war in recent history would like a word. Can you beat a standing army with arms alone? No. But you don't have to. You just have to break their WILL to fight. The mighty US military couldn't beat a bunch of goat fucking sand farmers in caves. How do you think morale will hold up when they are fighting their own families and friends in their own homes, watching everything they knew burn around them?
Terrorism also is indiscriminate in it's targeting of the innocent and guilty, alike. Not at all what is being portrayed here.
Violence works. The entirety of world history proves that correct. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:22:11 JST dg54321
@sickburnbro @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild Commitment is necessary.
Time is short. To the point of almost being nonexistent.
Clearly I haven't completely given up yet on my fellow Whites. I'm still here. I haven't shown up on the 6 o clock news. Yet.
But that day grows ever closer. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:22:09 JST dg54321
@petra @sickburnbro @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild The only thing I've come up with so far is independent aggravation. The worst thing is to just keep doing nothing. Collectivizing to make a grand plan gets you noticed, infiltrated and taken out by ZOG. But 10 thousand people, all acting independently, sowing chaos, not writing down plans on the Internet for fedbois to read? Impossible to stop.
Remember years ago when one guy and his kid went to DC, drilled a hole in their trunk of their car and started taking potshots at random people? DC ground to a HALT. One pair with a rifle. ONE.
Imagine that, but 10 thousand people, and not targeting the innocent, but those who deserve it. Targeting infrastructure. Critical government facilities.
Not saying to DO this. Just saying to imagine the outcome.
Chaos and fear that isn't in service of (((THEIR))) plans is the opposite of what they want. They want you going to work, paying your taxes, accepting your replacements, staying afraid so you DON'T act, but not so afraid you're willing to commit acts of violence to stop what makes you afraid to begin with.
Right now, that's exactly what they have. A nation of docile, but latently fearful people.
Maybe I'm wrong. I'm no tactician. But I see that by doing nothing, they are getting exactly what they want. Our replacement. Our genocide. Unchallenged. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 05:22:08 JST dg54321
@MoralPanic @petra @sickburnbro @ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild And yet, I notice you didn't rebut my actual point; one pair of niggers with a rifle caused mass chaos and brought the heart of ZOG to a screeching halt.
Things will HAVE to get worse before they get better; it is inevitable.
Do you want them to get worse on YOUR schedule and plan, or theirs? Theirs is already happening, every minute of every day, and their plan ends with no more White people, anywhere, ever again.
The outcome? A ZOG so scared of a rifle in every tree they never leave their bunkers again. I'm not saying it's an endgame. But it's a way to get the ball rolling. Getting that ball rolling seems to be, at this point in time, the hardest part.
Once ZOG and their puppet agencies (the FBI/DOJ/DOD) are so scared of random violence that they can't effectively root out dissidents, collectivizing will be easier and more urgent. Infiltration is always an issue, even in open warfare. But instead of sitting in a chair at home on your laptop with an IP traceable by the fedbois, you will talk face to face with your fellow Whites out in the field.
Again, I'm not saying I'm a tactician. But I know that the paralyzing inaction we currently live in will be our death knell. This stops them from being able to pretend that everything is A-OK and you should just keep on keeping on while niggers and spics replace you in your own homeland. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 04:31:03 JST dg54321
@ChadleyDudebro @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild Every time I try to get people to wake up to the reality of things, and convince them to get over their fear that everybody they speak to is a secret "Fed", I end up disappointed. At best you get a "Yeah, but what can you do?"
Perhaps we do not deserve to be free. To survive what is coming. So many apathetic cowards have sealed our fates. It's hard to remain interested in any future at all for a people who hate you for daring to tell them the hard truth, much less find any will to act on it. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Mar-2024 08:58:12 JST dg54321
@internetfreak @Dan_Hulson @graf @Floppa Him and Dread, first to block for any or no reason. Kinda sus, really. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Mar-2024 08:58:11 JST dg54321
@internetfreak @Dan_Hulson @graf @Floppa Why you would come onto SOCIAL media and then go around blocking everybody I will never understand. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Mar-2024 08:31:39 JST dg54321
@n3f_X @Humpleupagus @matty People think this is bad now. It's nothing compared to what's coming. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Mar-2024 02:58:15 JST dg54321
@sickburnbro @BobsonDugnuttHB @CleverMoniker @EvilSandmich Can't say I've never thought of this. I could go live like a king in some 3rd world country and have bitches throw themselves at me on what I have saved up. And nobody would even mention my "toxic masculinity". -
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dg54321 ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 09:58:51 JST dg54321
- Mancow Muller ?
- JeffTheJoker
- CrustyB
- dictatordave
- WilhelmIII
- Mister_Sunshine
- Roswell
- HereForYourMemes
- Lyles the ferret
- Dudebro
- :allyourbase::papyrus_u_s::papyrus_l_t::papyrus_l_o::papyrus_l_n::papyrus_l_e::papyrus_l_r::papyrus_7::papyrus_1::papyrus_3::windmilloffriendship:
- ❤꧁ღ⊱♥ MadrePappagallo ♥⊱ღ꧂❤
- AlyoCat
- Goy King
@Mister_Sunshine @CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dictatordave @stoner713 Also part of the WC blocked club. And he also just recently unblocked me. Never cared for the guy. One disagreement and he was a little crybaby about it. For such "edgy" posters on Gab, seems to be a lot of people like that over there. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 09:58:48 JST dg54321
@dictatordave @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @Gab_Refugee @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon This is a good point. Most plastics are not safe to microwave. It's not that it's microwaved as much as the plastic itself is not safe once heated, which causes it to break down and enter your food. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 09:58:47 JST dg54321
@dictatordave @Gab_Refugee @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon K cups are a perfect example of how everybody has been programmed to hell and back to accept shit for 2 seconds of convenience. I hate those fucking things. And they are disgusting machines because they have lots of tiny tubing inside that never gets cleaned, and inevitably ends up moldy inside. Just use a damn paper filter, grind up some coffee beans and make a pot of coffee. Or a french press is good too. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 09:58:45 JST dg54321
@WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dictatordave Most of the time, all it takes to stop or severely limit the poisoning of your people is to stop being so damn lazy. But people won't do it. They want goyslop and they want it right now. -
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dg54321 ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 09:58:44 JST dg54321
@MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dictatordave Too true. I have to remind myself that we have all been programmed AND addicted from a young age to fall for this shit.