@kaia The unpaid staff did their part of the contract.
If the customer feels she did not provide the requisite level of service, her part, that is on her.
About 10 % will never tip regardless of how she did. That is unfair and sucks.
@kaia The unpaid staff did their part of the contract.
If the customer feels she did not provide the requisite level of service, her part, that is on her.
About 10 % will never tip regardless of how she did. That is unfair and sucks.
@SiRrogueKnight @Electronwarrior
Rock n roll ripped off Blues.
As did Country and Western.
It's all cyclical. Most of the "popular" music is just government appropriated messaging.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
It's about control and manipulation. "They" don't give a fuck about anything else. They just want control. Electronic media sped the breadth with which it could be done.
So if it's not live, you've been led down the path to it, no matter the genre.
@prettygood @CZB @rher @sapphire
But you need to do laundry?
@mrman but you caught the perp's arm.
@klaatu @mrman definitely a 60s/70s feel. It would be nice to have some like that nowadays.
And Americans pay to store their Ring Doorbell videos. #werenobetter
So say we all
@mk @DrFell
Take what you need, leave the rest as the saying goes.
@mk @DrFell
If she wasn't pretty, most of us would not have paid it any attention.
Everyone has their role.
@BowsacNoodle @freepatriot @4c800257a588a82849d049817c2bdaad984b25a45ad9f6dad66e47d3b47e3b2f
And probably those chemical ladden filters aren't that healthy as well. I used to smoke filter less back in the 80s/90s.
@4c800257a588a82849d049817c2bdaad984b25a45ad9f6dad66e47d3b47e3b2f @freepatriot
I have to read the proposal myself. Is it actually mandating nicotine level or curing methods.
It's the sugar curing that does the majority of the harm to our bodies
He's still the train boy, nothing more. He makes sure everyone else is aboard so they let him stay "safe. "
Police man. It's not to protect and serve the public. It is to protect the government
I used the same strategy in a retail store. If other managers pulled my people, I had personnel transfer their hours. When store manager told me to stop, I said no because the lost productivity reduced my bonus. He told everyone to leave my people alone.
It's an opportunity for the "shooter's" family and friends to grieve and not look for them as they join one of the 3 letter agency's special ops team.
Nature finds a way.
this is a dark ride : turn back ye who enter here!walking the razor's edge of sanity with rice paper shoes.
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