Remember when nazi Germany decided to breed and reintroduce racially pure germanic cattle and the regression made them aggressive and violent and they killed a bunch of farmers?
Notices by Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully (, page 2
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2024 07:22:17 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully -
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 09:19:43 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully I once made a diptych called Benito Mussolini / Finito Mussolini, but at the time there was no social media where I could share it
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 07:35:57 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully So apparently singles day is not about going to strip clubs. I’m sorry everyone whose day I ruined
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 02:06:10 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully Marjorie yell-ranting at a bbc reporter for five minutes for asking her about her quotes is probably going to be a thing
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Sunday, 10-Nov-2024 23:49:46 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @patrickcmiller how rude! That is reserved for american corporations and my government
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2024 19:29:10 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @ekis no public single payer health insurance
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2024 02:43:57 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully The problem with Kamala Harris’ messaging was that she did not come across as a white man with grievances over a lost imaginary past of supremacy that she promised to restore
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2024 07:11:14 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @tayfonay humor is an act of rebellion. Strongmen hate it
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2024 01:55:36 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully In 1987 the Swedish socialdemocratic party that had governed most of the previous 80 years, abandoned the full employment goal for a low inflation goal that caused double digit unemployment
In 1998 two neonazi gangs got together and formed the neonazi Sweden democrats. Uniforms and all.
Over time varying administrations of social democratic, and right wing coalitions lowered taxes and public spending and created a growing list of millionaires and billionaires, as well as a wiped out class of poor people in social immobility and organised crime.
In 2010 the Sweden democrats joined the parliament with an evolved, softer neofascist sound. So it took 23 years from the neoliberal course change to fascists in parliament. From general trust between people, to growing distrust and outright fear of the other.
Twelve years later in the 2022 election they were the second largest party after the social democrats, and are now the deciding finger on the scales of the conservative administration that would have to resign without them.
Neoliberalism fait accompli.
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 04:41:06 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @RickiTarr isn’t that illegal? not that cops would come and “talk” to the husband somewhere dark
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 04:08:17 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully I didn’t want to sully the original poster’s feed
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Sunday, 03-Nov-2024 07:53:46 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully When you finally realize that #TrumpIsACunt
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 06:10:56 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @adhdeanasl i was harshly corrected for using the wrong article when ordering a baguette in france, so i suspect the french might disagree
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 06:08:46 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @adhdeanasl mastodon, now with a free pdf
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Tuesday, 15-Oct-2024 06:47:59 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully The ”Nobel” prize of economics apparently shows that democracy and strong institutions of state are necessary for economic growth.
Well, I guess we’re all kinds of fucked since 2016
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Saturday, 12-Oct-2024 01:47:16 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully Wil Wheaton is now five years older than Patrick Stewart was in the pilot of Star Trek the next generation. Have your bones demineralized and fallen apart yet?
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2024 08:17:14 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully MTG endorsements are weird but ok
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 20:36:38 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @patrickcmiller bets on Apple blaming this for low demand of iphone 16-series?
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Saturday, 05-Oct-2024 09:02:09 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully @patrickcmiller Haha, I live in the worst of times
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Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully ('s status on Thursday, 03-Oct-2024 21:12:01 JST Kierkrampusgaanks regretfully Dear IRS, I was under the impression there would be no fact checking
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