@gnu2@nike at minimum high and low vs middle- kikes use niggers, spics, fags, women, etc to attack your average white man. But more delineations could be made.
And no we can't all just get along. The kike has more to offer his pet nigger faggot than we do, we don't even want him around let alone have gifts and status to spare.
I just don't understand the total lack of communication. They say no one talked to stiker much outside of him showing up to do the podcast for years. Sven makes it sound like not much communications between central committee and local chapters, just orders with lots of gossip and resentment brewing behind the scenes.
How are you running an organization without talking to each other and clear channels of communication? Why was this allowed to happen? Always secretly hoped my misgivings were the result of not being in the party and it looked much better on the inside 😩
@BowsacNoodle@moomin@lykanthrocide@olmitch Honestly think the only other kikeslop I've had is manischewitz cheap shitty wine and will try to keep it that way. Not trying gefilte fish, don't count hummus as jew food, and not sure what else they got
@bjeelka@Codeki@longshanks@ned it's a joke that some of the people singing "we're coming for your children" have been convicted of sexually abusing chuldren?
The main white male characters that were beating up on women in sports get their comeuppance by getting BLACKED by a nigger team. Because with kikes behind it that obviously had to happen.
@PoalackJokes88@ChristiJunior I wouldn't tie the holocaust to an event that many believe the jews deserve and that they keep getting caught lying about.
But the jew worships the holocaust so can't help but relate everything to it.
@ChristiJunior Add to it that they are desperately trying to meme this into the "worst thing since the holocaust" (funny in its own right given they know kids these days dont care about Holocaust 1) so they can't just let it go, they have to keep doing what they're doing knowing it's going to make more and more people hate them.