Notices by boburtle (
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@AlbinoMutant Every single tradfem on social media is a raging whore, there is no exception to this rule
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@Hoss @abner Modern therapy is a jewish trap created to replace the role that priests and community elders used to play, it's designed to extract great sums of money from people as it retraumatizes them over and over "let's go over every single painful detail of your childhood again" and actively teaches its patients to hate the White men in their lives. "Oh your husband sometimes wins arguments? Gaslighting. He doesn't do a perfect job on the housework? Tactical incompetence. A woman once smiled at him? Micro-cheating"
Burn therapists, behead therapists, launch therapists into the sun
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@LouisConde @sickburnbro Hopefully enough young White men are so disaffected that no amount of 1980s/90s tier 'Murica propaganda wins them over. Given the number of black swan events these past few years like covid and Oct 7th, jews might end up shooting themselves in the foot when they castrate the left but fail to get young White men back on to the civnat plantation. Maybe it's retarded optimism but this might work out for us, I don't know.
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@LouisConde @sickburnbro >jews turning cancel culture on leftlibs to pave the way to get White men back into war for Israel
I'll always enjoy seeing people that hate me get hoisted on their own petard but I'm not looking forward to the day kosher conservatives dominate the culture and manipulate White men into one last jew war
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@sickburnbro >terf lording generalized rape accusations over men's heads
She 100% has her mind completely pornsick from a rape smut addiction, every woman like her does. This demented slut diddles herself to demented shit like 50 shades of Grey (or worse) on the regular.
These women should be humiliated and ostracized. Like you pointed out, the polite White men they used to abuse and lord over don't exist any more. The only response these women should get is "this BITCH!!! doesn't like men because she broke her cooter jackhammering it to rape smut like a freaking crack addict!!" Feminists spent the past 100 years viciously humiliating White men so it's time to turn the tables on them!! We know you diddle dee your twattle dum to rapey erotic literature karen you dumb cunt!! We're on to you!!
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@WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 @sickburnbro It's always fun to see the agony in roasties faces when men tell them "of course I don't like women. Why the hell would I like women?"
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@Jonny mmmm mommy
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@Jonny You're a mental case because you worship women like your God
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@Jonny Mgtow got flooded with niggers along with the rest of the manosphere a few years ago
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@Jonny you sound like someone whose never been raped before
*cracks knuckles*
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@Jonny You couldn't handle my mommy :aismug:
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@Jonny Fuck off homewrecker, the only one my mommy is making love to is me
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@LukeAlmighty @dassauerkraut @ainmosni One of the small joys I have on Fedi these past few years is watching Luke come into his own as an increasingly steely eyed White Nationalist. All the best, brother.
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Women spent the past hundred years ruthlessly exploiting the over-civilized men of the West, particularly in America. Men are under no moral obligation to care for, provide or protect wamen that don't belong to them.
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@LukeAlmighty KOTOR was great, back before star wars was completely exhausted
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@LukeAlmighty >weaponized incompetence!
The latest buzzword of spoiled narcissistic whores that are upset White men don't give them 100% of their energy any more. Women rarely give 100% to a man's sexual or emotional needs so why should any man give 100% to a woman's neurotic cleanliness needs?
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@DEERBLOOD @s2208 @KonataWagner @6gorillanbarsofjewsoap Probably the most important part of White English-speaking history is the relationship between Anglos and Normans and how it evolved into the caustic relationship between White "antlanticist" elites and working class Whites for hundreds of years. This dynamic provided jews a massive backdoor to take over the Anglosphere. Albino squirell once had a great longthread on this.
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@Shadowman311 50 years ago in the 1970s the economy was abundant enough to allow liberal culture to have a "buy-in" for smart White men. The access and affordability of zogslop, housing and even marriage provided just enough cover so those same smart White men wouldn't pay close attention to how homosexuals behaved around little boys or what women were really up to when "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" was raging. Today liberalism has no buy in for White men, so the few left defending liberalism are either extremely retarded or extremely small souled (evil)
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@Godcast @Xenophon @graf @Doll @Dwalrus @erica @Dan_Hulson >it should be legal to beat your wife half to death.
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