No, Abraham was just a man. A righteous one, but a man nevertheless. We have his entire life story recorded in the Bible, and no good reason to suppose any of that is false.
Join us on a whirlwind tour through Confucianism, it’s origins and beliefs. What makes this semi-religious philosophy so important? What was God’s reason for permitting it to develop? Why did so much change happen in the 5th Century BC? Emails in the second half.
The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 313: A White Nationalist Debates a “New Evangelical”
For today’s episode, Super reviews a debate between George, a Christian White Nationalist, and Whitaker, a libtard normie evangelical podcast guy. Let’s dive deep into points of persuasion and ask some frank questions about how we frame our beliefs. Part one of two!
The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 306: Orthodox Francis Fukuyama
Hey, remember when Francis Fukuyama tried to make the case for globohomo when no one else was? Well let’s hear Paul Kingsnorth, a Romanian Orthodox convert, try to make a case against Christian Nationalism. Spoiler; he fails spectacularly. Popcorn N' Soda returns next week!
The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 305: Not Agreement Capable
Today, SuperLutheran is joined by @Crux_Invictus to discuss the “State of the Reformation,” or how Protestantism is doing worldwide. Hold on to your jimmies for this one and stick around to the end, it’s way more encouraging than you’d think.
If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran Project, you can do so here... which at this point in Protestantism, is most certainly worth doing:
Kill death. Behead death. Roundhouse kick death into the concrete. Slam dunk death into the trashcan. Defecate in death’s food. Launch death into the sun. Stir fry death in a wok. Toss death into an active volcano. Urinate into death’s gas tank. Judo throw death into a wood chipper. Twist death’s head off. Report death to the IRS. Karate chop death in half. Curb stomp death. Trap death in quicksand. Crush death in the trash compactor. Liquefy death in a vat of acid. Eat death. Dissect death. Exterminate death in the gas chamber. Stomp death with steel toed boots. Cremate death in the oven. Mandatory sensitivity training for death. Grind death in the garbage disposal. Drown death in fried chicken grease. Vaporize death with a ray gun. Kick death down the stairs. Feed death to alligators. Slice death with a katana. Total Death Death, because Christ has conquered the grave and now death is our final enemy.
Oh my goodness. Are you ready for a live-react to some yentas chatting about demons? That’s right, the “My Jewish Learning” people did a video about demons and the talmud and it’s every bit as insane as you imagine it to be.
For this episode, Super goes over the topic of despair: why it’s a sin, why it’s foolish to fall into it, and how to get out of that hole. Don't miss this one guys.
Warning, don’t listen to this one with kids or your grandparents present. Let’s talk about the issues concerning contraception and find the balanced, Biblical answer.
In today’s advertisement for cigarettes and bourbon, Super and Crux go over the FUBAR’d activities of modern Lutheran groups and tie it into the problems with ecumenism.
Join Super for a brief historical survey on various magical practices and why you shouldn’t do them. Turns out none of them work, but a demon is happy to make you think it will. Emails in the second half (finally).
Warning: if you’re easily tempted to look a bit too deeply at this stuff and could get sucked in to sorcery…don’t listen to this episode.
Join Super as he addresses some controversy and goes over the newest season of The Chosen. But before tuning in, head out to the concession stand and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda!
Well, boys, it's been fun. I'm turning this account over to @SuperLutheran . I'll be back with another account before too long. Until then, keep the faith.
@Xenophon@graf@Doll@Dwalrus@erica@Dan_Hulson Talking about the age of consent is the same as talking about how it should be legal to beat your wife half to death. The only reason people bring it up is because they want to do that thing, and they need you to cheer them on.
In this episode, SuperLutheran is joined by Rick from Amerikaner’s own The Smoke Pit. They have a wide-ranging discussion about rebellion, revolution, hypothetical violence, and God’s plan in all of it.
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take an updated look at the concept of ethnonationalism in Scripture. Since our original episode on the topic, more people have been doing more work in this field of study, especially as replacement migration has made it more relevant. We answer emails after the break, and end with a special announcement.
Myles Poland, host of the Godcast. Serving Christ by evangelizing spergs. Phillipians 2:10-11.Not a reliable source of news.Find us on us at