Fuck off with that bullshit. FYI: I really detest St Pat's day, it's jewish. It's used to promote immigrant status, and denigrate heritage Americans. My "Irish" ancestors were Scottish and Protestant. I have zero Irish blood. NEVER FORGET: The 1965 immigration Act that fucked up our country was the work of jew Cellar, and Hart, a fucking Irish Catholic.
I guess you're more interested in being Irish than American. There's a perfectly good country for that, and it's currently being invaded by niggers. Go fight for Ireland.
You seem confused. WASP is America. Irish is Ireland. jew is Hellspawn. Brown and Black are subhuman It's the latter four who celebrate foreign holidays in my country.
You see me fun everyday. However, I detest St Patrick's day. But look at the response to me expressing my heritage by wearing orange, and stating the truth: WASP is American, and I detest St. Patrick's Day. You have spergs calling me a jew and drunks telling me to get fucked, just because they're Irish, not American.
I don't know about Jordan Maxwell, it's the result of my own study. Calling me a conspiracy theorist just reflects your lack of knowledge of the topic. I don't expect you to believe me on first hearing of it, it is different from what you've been taught. But, you grew up in an America that was dominated by Christian Fundamentalist Zionists, so there's probably a lot of things you've got wrong. There hasn't been good leadership in understanding the Bible in light of all the archaeology that's gone on over the last 100+ years, which recently has been under the control of Zionists in the most pertinent territories.
Just as we understand Jesus' sacrifice means we no longer sacrifice animals, you can understand Abraham's story as a reform from baby killing. We also understand Jesus as divine, so it's no big deal to understand Abraham as originated as the god of a reformed cult.
I remember you! I enjoyed your show, I listened on TRS, a few years ago, very good. You helped me return to Christ. I admire your take on Samuel, going to the "high places."
It's over-simplified to say Abram is Zeus, more correct to say they have a common origin. Abba-Ram is Father Thunder.
The Church foolishly tried to convert jews, it was a big mistake to invite them into Christianity and allow them to enter the priesthood. However, all of Christianity, for about 1900 years was consistent in understanding Christians were the spiritual heirs of Abraham, jews were not the "chosen people." So, there was none of the jew love you see today with "Christian" Zionism.
And, you're right about the kings. jews were allowed in Europe by kings as tax farmers. Our problem with jews has always been primarily political, not religious. Christianity actually provided more protection from them than Paganism, because it gave a history of jews being a cursed people, that's consistent in the Bible:
1: Judah - the bad son who sells his little brother into Slavery. (He does other bad things too.) 2: The Kingdom of Judah - destroyed by the Babylonians as willed by God for their unfaithfulness. 3: jews cursed in Malachi again for unfaithfulness. 4: Judas - betraying Jesus 5: jews killing Christ 6: The destruction of Jerusalem 7: jews described as the Synagogue of Satan
I can't think of one Early Church father who had anything good to say about jews, but there's a ton of condemnations. And, I know of no Pagan book comparable to the Bible in it's diatribes about jews. There were individual Pagans who were critical of jews, because jews excite animosity everywhere they go. But if you want an antisemitic religion, it's Christianity.
It's an AI character I created with old pictures of me. The face usually comes out identical to Young Huntress, but the hair is fantastic, much better than mine ever was. The ADL is going to declare my face a hate symbol, along with otters.
Poor Jonny, finally admitted I'm kinda cool, and then I lost interest in harassing him. Goes to show, the jerk gets the girl's attention, nice guys finish last.😆