@emilygorcenski@Sharksonaplane That kinda goes back to the main point, there is no universe where Trump should be winning the majority of the white vote, and white people talking to other white people can pick up far far more votes than squeezing out the last drops of participation from minority communities. We need fight the culture of white supremacy as too many whites are insane with irrational fear to have sanity return to politics. We can't keep making Africans do the work for us...
@emilygorcenski@Sharksonaplane then the loss of some constituencies due to policy disagreements wouldn't be so impactful. The Democratic coalition is a big tent with a large collection of minority people who have different and opposing wants/needs/ideologies, no policy is going to make them all happy at the same time, so having support of the majority of the majority is important to be able to absorb the constant loss and gain of small factions of voters.
@thomasfuchs I think the actual number of hippies are greatly over-represented in media, the vast majority of that cohort were Reagan conservatives, but also a lot of hippies dropped out of popular culture and created insular communities that stopped having much influence on the greater world.
@thomasfuchs@breiter@konnorrogers 16G is maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it is an order of magnitude heavier than vim or emacs for sure, 1/2 GB to startup and about 1GB while being used, but even my development workstation from 10+ years ago had 16G of RAM in it, only the most budget of development computers will have less than 8G today. I will say having multiple Electron apps for communication gets ugly quickly, I miss the days of XMPP and iChat and Psi.
@thomasfuchs this was from the era of removable batteries, you could buy extra battery packs and swap them while the laptop was asleep, there is a capacitor or something which keeps the ram alive while you swap batteries, to extend runtime, so the spicy battery has long since been removed. I do need to get all the old batteries out of the house though, they are stored in a way to minimize fire risk, but the best would be to not have them at all 8-)
@thomasfuchs@breiter@konnorrogers Why build cross-platform applications using web technologies, which are some of the most well known, optimized, security audited, fastest do develop, performant and feature rich cross-platform environment? That you could eventual integrate directly into your web-based development platform as the web client matured? Strategically the web is eating _everything_, why not software development too, especially when you can rent hosting time at a profit.
@konnorrogers@thomasfuchs VSCode is a fork of Atom, afaik Electron and Atom were created together, to provide a one-stop-shop for code within the Github ecosystem, which the integration of VSCode and Azure Codespaces completes. Gitlab now does the same thing, their in-browser editor is based on VSCode, which is now one of the more popular code editors on the planet.
@thomasfuchs that PowerBook g4 was my first work laptop that replaced my desktop, the battery is a spicy pillow but I think it still boots with the power brick. One of the best of the era, it had every port built in, the screen res is low by today's standard but I used it for sysadmin work for years and years of until my boss forcibly replaced it with an Intel macbook. Nice keyboard and touchpad too
@Denton@jk I just don't understand how Python management is so much more difficult than Perl considering the age of both.
I use the heck out of cpanspec and just plain rpmbuild to make well-formed RPM packages with all the dependencies tracked that we can manage in-house with yum/dnf, but setuptools doesn't do any auto-dep tracking, leading to venv and Java-style bundles or a lot of manual work making custom bdist_rpm command lines.
@thomasfuchs I don't think I've seen one of those before, they look cool as hell. There is a certain spooky cold feeling interacting with a terminal when the stakes are high, in Alien, Lost, Jurassic Park (book) that I started to feel just reading the photos. Neat