Atom was at least Electron (same as VSCode), but I believe codespaces uses the VSCode browser editor, so they didn't really "make it", so much as they use it for their own product
I don’t think VSCode is really a fork of Atom. Atom forked off Electron as a separate thing which became popular. Microsoft combined a separate project called Monaco ( and Electron to create VSCode.
VSCodium is a direct 3rd party fork build. Eclipse Theia is a clean room clone.
@konnorrogers@thomasfuchs VSCode is a fork of Atom, afaik Electron and Atom were created together, to provide a one-stop-shop for code within the Github ecosystem, which the integration of VSCode and Azure Codespaces completes. Gitlab now does the same thing, their in-browser editor is based on VSCode, which is now one of the more popular code editors on the planet.
@thomasfuchs@breiter@konnorrogers Why build cross-platform applications using web technologies, which are some of the most well known, optimized, security audited, fastest do develop, performant and feature rich cross-platform environment? That you could eventual integrate directly into your web-based development platform as the web client matured? Strategically the web is eating _everything_, why not software development too, especially when you can rent hosting time at a profit.
@thomasfuchs@breiter@konnorrogers 16G is maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it is an order of magnitude heavier than vim or emacs for sure, 1/2 GB to startup and about 1GB while being used, but even my development workstation from 10+ years ago had 16G of RAM in it, only the most budget of development computers will have less than 8G today. I will say having multiple Electron apps for communication gets ugly quickly, I miss the days of XMPP and iChat and Psi.