@inthehandshttps://hachyderm.io/@inthehands/113997863796539668 it's a struggle to have public conversations and create social norms because the people who need to work on providing those off ramps and convincing people to take them discussing it in public view of those who have been harmed and catch some pushback and justified anger as they appear to be coddling the fascists, which is true, they aren't publicly advocating for vengeance. It's always unclear when forgiveness is just ritualistic lack of accountability.
@mekkaokereke a lesson that too many people didn't learn is that the "backwardsness" and poverty of the US South was directly related to how they spent their time oppressing their best and brightest, lowering the standard of living for everyone, instead of supporting all the ambitious and intelligent business owners regardless of their heritage. It requires accepting an enormous amount of self-destructiveness in exchange for a meaningless and fleeting sense of "superiority". Madness
@liztai yeah, finally someone who might not think its weird. I'd rather invest time in people who invest time in me, the friend who I meet for coffee, or the one whose kids play with mine, people I actually socialize with, rather than every acquaintance with whom I might have mutual recognition.
Mastodon is different, it's more like seeing regulars at the local pub and occasionally meeting people by jumping into an overheard conversation in a public space.
@skinnylatte > So I always say America is a shit bucket but it is my shit bucket now.
Honestly, is there any higher praise than that? Not some "lalala everything is perfect" bullshit but "I see the flaws and I choose those flaws over these other flawed places". I appreciate your perspective, and welcome to the shit-show / clown-factory. ;-)
@inthehands@coolandnormal@jwi there isn't enough consensus and political power to enact this now, but I think the nation would better if anyone who lives here more than half the year was considered a resident and vote in local elections and easily become a citizen with no more administrivia than getting a passport. If you chose to live under the rules of a location you have a stake and should have a say in how those rules are made. It shouldn't be substantially more difficult than moving state
@inthehands I don't want to harsh your mellow but I haven't seen any reliable study/evidence that the vote isn't representative of the missing ~25% eligible voters, the bias due to vote suppression targets likely Harris voters more, but even if you had 100% of eligible voters, while it might change the outcome (yay!), the ratio is probably not going to change much, certainly not 70/30, this brand of fascism is way more popular amongst some powerful demographics than we'd both like.
@inthehands I don't know if I'll ever _not_ bring up Mr. Fred Rogers as an example of positive masculinity in these discussions, that was one American man who was not afraid of what dipshit "bros" thought of him as he was very very publicly kind and caring, which can be the hardest, toughest, up-hill fight for social humans. Too many adopt a masculinity of abuse and cowardly violence because of fear of what others might think of them. Itd be sad if it it wasn't destructive
@inthehands@donaldball sure, people game P-values and the methodology of many scientific papers is not reproducible, but most tech/software metrics don't even reach that level of bullshit.
@inthehands I wonder how much the need to keep the dev team busy with visible "features" and trying to be all things to all people drive this MS Word level of feature creep away from a simple tool which does simple things. If there were a more competitive market with 6+ viable phone/tablet OS companies you would have a better chance at finding an OS with an interface that fits your usage, as each fights for a different overlapping set of users with different needs. Duopoly can't produce that.
@inthehands@tehstu While I don't think strict skeumorphism actually makes UX better, the (Jony Ive?) era at Apple where they ripped the graphical design out and replaced it with minimalist flat color, also ripped out a bunch of context on what was an interactive element and what was UI chrome, to the detriment of usability.
To make the UI usable it needs to do less and demand less state tracking by the user, esp when your brain doesn't have a 14-element working-memory
@inthehands this observation applies to to the whole of public schools as well, in the presence of charter, magnet, voucher, private and home schools which segregate students across economic, racial or religious boundaries; with full funding for the privileged and poor education for the less privileged
@inthehands I haven't seen it yet and my brain is a little frazzled and can't remember the plots of the Disney movies I _have_ seen to be able to synthesize anything. Looking at a list to refresh my memory, in Encanto the villian is the matriarch who loves her kids and grandkids but needs to resolve her trauma before she destroys her own family. The only way they could have gone harder and still had a happy ending is if they didn't regain their wealth/prestige but were happy together with less
@inthehands you know, that would make for an interesting Disney Princess story, kind of like how in Frozen 2 Queen Elsa abdicates in favor of Anna, but with an anti-nepotism message. Have the prince/ss screw up due to hubris and get deposed fleeing like Lion King, they fight their way back, learning to be a better person, like Moana/Maui, but when they defeat the big bad, instead of winning the throne the people don't want them, there is a better leader, and they happily join the common people
@inthehands I have no inside knowledge but I heard that they refreshed some polling that hadn't been done in a while to clarify where they stood and that Biden getting COVID may have helped clarify his thinking on whether he wanted to keep busting his ass trying to right the campaign, only to win another 4 years of struggle, or just take a victory lap and retire. Clearly he coordinated with many many Dems though because all the press releases and statements today were not _reactions_ to news.
@ErickaSimone@inthehands I think it's probably moot as he doesn't have the votes for any policy changes to be legislated, but the power to impeach and remove already exists, why do you see court packing as a danger? The Rs have been bending the courts to their will for decades and have packed it without doing so obviously, the only constraints on Ds are in how the story narrative is perceived by the public, as legit or out of bounds. Well, and having the votes...
@ATLeagle@QasimRashid I think a lot comes down to the candidates perception of the voting population, that there aren't enough leftist anti-racist voters to carry the electoral college so you need some percentage of the majority white supremacist voters to actually win, but the balancing act is keeping the two constituencies from alienating each other.