@skinnylatte it's funny to me, they always say "location, location, location!" because I have some relatives who are moderately wealthy businesses owners and their house is more than 20 times cheaper but has all the same features, it has an indoor pool, separate kitchen and space for entertaining, a boat house and dock, a pretty nice patio and is filled with their favorite artwork. It is probably bigger and nicer than what is in these photos, but it is not in Singapore so it's nowhere near as expensive a lifestyle. It's funny too because at the end of the day, it's just a house, people live there, its built with the same drywall and electrical sockets as anyone else, they shop at Costco like anyone else, esp if throwing a party, and are really at the upper end of middle class afaict with very little in common with billionaires and maybe only a little in common with people who have $50M houses, as that seems like a big step beyond into the land of private drivers and private planes and live-in servants.