Sayyer, a great person and awesome Black disabled transenby and genderfluid artist, needs help to pay rent this month, can we help them out? Currently at $275/439! Less than $200 left to go thanks to your boosts and donations! You can donate directly OR commission them for lineart too—I've worked with them and the process & end product were fantastic!
@tillshadeisgone asdjflk; idk whether he deleted the post(s) in question or if it's a "inter-server visibility sucks" thing but when I went to look the only thing I found was him saying he thinks… "they both won"??? 💀💀 💀 After trying to sue his own record label!! After the Grammys!! After the freaking American Heart Association!! HOW LMAO
@rfg@tillshadeisgone depersoning someone that eva explicitly stated they used to be mutuals with and spoke to directly not only doesn't help, it minimizes the situation and tacitly implies that eva cannot tell a person from a bot.
@rfg@tillshadeisgone It's in the original post they made, and it does matter, because it shows that this was a shitty situation that was about more than just blocking some rando. Pointing out that "well was she even a real user" (not bot, I did assume there and that's on me) is a response that minimizes the emotional impact of what they went through isn't "creating drama" unless you are a person who views any attempt to call you in as "drama".
@tillshadeisgone best of both worlds!! like a tempur-pedic for your mouth! That sounds disgusting now that I've typed it but it's too late to go back now, I'm hitting enter!
A lot of people are still posting and reacting as though this site has an algorithm, and I don't mean this in the fedi-fan cheerleader way. What I mean is that I often see really forceful declarations that are based on what people are expected to see and know, which…look I'm on this site way too much and I *still* miss tons of things that happen, sometimes *because* I'm doing so much backscrolling. Just because there's no algorithm doesn't mean your mutuals will always see everything you post.
@tillshadeisgone I went to his profile to block him and the very first post that loads from here is a link to someone's Substack though??? LMAOOOO what a typical "I have no horse in this race, I just like making people trip" asshole
@mekkaokereke Yes!!! The whole thing of these types is they always think they are entitled to 100% access, 0% consequences, it's at the core of their entire way of being and thinking. I've seen people who claim all kinds of liberal values do exactly this because the one thing they cannot stand is when *you* are the one walking away from *them*. It's not enough just to unlearn the bad opinions; if they don't unlearn these toxic patterns of thinking, they just keep being shitty people.
People really love telling on themselves about how homogenous their chosen social circles are, huh? Bragging about how much you hate H1Bs just tells me you don't know *any* immigrants, at least not any who think you're safe to talk to. Chew on that instead of putting immigration on your plate since you clearly don't know a damn thing about it.
US workers are *all* being exploited and this is just yet another case of the exploiters turning the people they exploit against each other to avoid accountability. Can we please stop fucking falling for it. They manipulated immigrants into turning on each other and they're manipulating you into turning on immigrants. For fuck's sake, how is this not obvious??
@ryanrandall@inquiline@jdp23 Yeah he's just flipping pages in the racists' playbook. The whole "I've been dedicated to the cause, that's why I'm sooooo clueless about the basics!"/"I don't need to be educated, why won't people debate me" gambit is a hilariously transparent example. It's almost funny how clueless they are anout how obvious they are. That said, I appreciate y'all for jumping in and showing him for what he is.
@djsundog The "wanted to be found" part is so important here, and something I think a lot of "FollowFriday"-style initiatives don't always think about, here and elsewhere (there's a reason I have an anti-FF line in my bio). I also agree with posters talking about the human factor, and this isn't something only instance admins can do. If you invite people to the fedi and they come, engage with their posts so they don't feel alone. Make a list if you need help remembering to check in.
@vantiss There's a part of me that wonders if liberals are going to start masking again now that it will once more be seen as a sign of "resistance," which I would be reluctantly grateful for (even though I would gag if that's the reason), but there's an even more bitter part of me that figures they will just continue to toss us aside.
Sharks are cool and comfortable!You may know me from Sandwich, ex-Twitter/Cohost (as @Sharksonaplane), or Twitch (as Sharkaeopteryx).I don't follow-for-follow people I don't interact with. Don't EVER put me in a FollowFriday-type post.I am perhaps >95% boosts, filter them as needed. No need to thank me for boosting a post.US-born Vietnamese cis female person.Profile pic alt text: me in a mostly black Asian steampunk outfit.