This is fine:
👴🏻I want to say whatever I want! I don't want to have to consider other people! (But then I must accept that other people might leave).
Also fine:
👴🏻I don't want other people to leave! (But then I must consider how my words and actions affect others).
Not OK:
👴🏻You just have to take it!
This isn't complicated.
I feel like a lot of folk, usually people with privilege, have an underdeveloped sense of empathy, and a dangerously incomplete knowledge of the concept of consent.
They want "free speech" for themselves, but not "freedom to choose not to listen" for others.
Which is how we wind up with weird inconsistencies like:
"The people who bleat the loudest about free speech... are the very same people that think that you shouldn't be able to block."
What they really mean is "I can say whatever I want, and you just have to take it."
I don't have to take anything.
I don't even have to debate you or fight you. If you talk out of pocket, I can just walk away.
This isn't some "Just ignore them!" Or "Turn the other cheek!" nonsense.
This is "I can choose to be in places specifically where you are not. Reclaiming my time."