@MediaActivist Thank you. If information dissemination were so irrelevant to the struggle, they would obviously not be trying so hard to gain control of our options for doing this
True story: Last year a very unobjectionable list serv faculty have used for years for being windbags got taken down with no notice by Google, because someone maliciously reported it, because of a message some campus community members did not like. (This was in the peak Gaza protests moment. The list was moderated & the item that passed over it was mundane, and factual, but still objectionable to some.)
In re noncompliance: perhaps I shouldn't admit this but I once sabotaged a database by entering "University of Chicano Press" every time when I was supposed to have typed "University of Chicago Press"
Not sure how many times, but I worked there for about nine months
IMO this page should say a little more about who they are, should post a privacy policy, and should have a warrant canary, but posting for general 🤔 anyway
ETA, read replies. There is quite a bit here that raises eyebrows and invites suspicion over whether it's a honeypot situation
"What can the complete civil disobedience of the Sudanese Professionals Association teach us at a moment when belief in the efficacy of nonviolent protest is in decline?"
One of the reasons the "nobody is protesting" take sucks is it denies the empirical reality that some people *are*. People sharing this take are not among them, otherwise they wouldn't be making that point..
Which brings me to the second reason it sucks: it puts agency here on other people. Everyone can do something, can pick something they can do; and furthermore should not belittle the work of people who are doing visible and less visible stuff.
Just saw another post go by saying "why is nobody protesting" (condemnatory) and like... *there have been some protests*, both in DC and in local cities and towns. Some of this is media filtering/not showing it much; some of this is narratives taking hold that feel correct but empirically are not.
Not really loving the fawning celebration of Pixelfed's growth when it does not seem to have basic moderation or governance in place (where have we heard this before)
@nev Sorry, maybe I misunderstand the question but the reason this data is especially meaningful is that 100% of the people polled had voted for Biden, i.e. were not people who could be said to reject D pol's tout court, and they weren't nonvoters either. It's a more meaningful sample than the public at large for that reason, and a less noisy signal.
I was up half the night thinking about this. I very much hope Biden gets the legacy he deserves for both giving Israel carte blanche for genocidal behavior AND what that wrought for us back home in the US: https://www.imeupolicyproject.org/postelection-polling