It's been so long since I've done any solar #astrophotography that I'm seriously considering taking the day off tomorrow because it's supposed to be sunny here
In other news, for some reason I'm feeling extremely weird right now and I don't know why. Almost feel kind of high/intoxicated? Very spacey and my thinking is fuzzy. It's the closest description I can give.
I haven't had any alcohol, cannabis, or other psychoactive compounds beyond my meds and a few sips of an energy drink.
But I've also slept very poorly the past 3 nights, so maybe related somehow.
It's not the job itself that tires me, it's the fact that going to work requires so much fighting against myself. Just getting up and going on time is a struggle, and that's only the beginning of a day filled with trying to keep myself on task and getting something —anything— done.
That feeling when you are reorganizing #astrophotography data and accidentally permanently delete an entire night's worth of images 🙃
Still trying to figure out if there's a copy of the data somewhere, but doesn't seem likely. Not the end of the world though (I can capture more data), but it's annoying as fuck and makes me feel like an idiot 😣
Problem: I want to be able to access my desktop PC (Windows) from anywhere.
Is there a dead simple way to do this? What's the easiest (secure) way?
Right now, it's looking like I need to: 1) Setup dynamic DNS (Duck DNS?) 2) Setup dynamic DNS updating on my router (Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X) 3) Configure VPN access on my router 4) Setup VPN client
I think I've done 1 and 2. I tried doing 3 with L2TP, but I can't get anything to work. I don't know what's going on.
After using my #Tangara for the first time, I have a lot of ideas for improvements, mainly of the UI. It's definitely a V1.0 thing, but that's not a surprise, nor a criticism. What they've managed to make so far is impressive. Delivering on an idea like this is far beyond anything I have done.
I might see if I can get a dev environment set up, to see if I can manage to fix some of the issues I see instead of merely playing "Monday morning quarterback" to the project.
- Playlist support? - Lacking features for "now playing" queue - I can apparently add music to the queue, but I have no idea what's actually in the queue, or have any ability to edit it - Can't save the queue as a playlist - The queue isn't persistent (gets lost if the system reboots or powers down) - There is no repeat mode for the queue. As in, I can repeat a single track, but not an album.
Took me most of the night to get my music library imported into beets and copied/converted over to the SD for my #Tangara. But I'm listening to music now! :meong_dance:
I'm a fan of #Tangara, if only because it introduced me to beets.
Figures that the FOSS community would eventually make a music organization tool that far exceeds the functionality and performance of every godawful, bloated proprietary music app that has come before.
You bitches better be ready to sabotage and subvert. Break shit. Run out the clock. Be an expert at malicious compliance. Waste as much of the fascist's time and energy as humanly possible, until they have none left to kill with.
Calling it "adulting" makes a lot of sense because "adult" is a culturally constructed role. When you are "adulting" you are often performing tasks to satisfy society, not yourself. You are doing tasks that have been obligated to complete simply by virtue of being an "adult".
I'm afraid to hope for a better future, both generally and personally. All the trends are pointing in the opposite direction, and that hope for things to improve has been crushed before. It feels naïve and dangerous to hope for a future that's better than (or at a minimum roughly the same as) today.
But I don't want to be hopeless. It's not who I am. It's not who I want to be.
This fear of hope is one of my issues. Another is the feeling of moral outrage at being forced to participate in an economic system that relies on exploitation of people and the environment.
I don't know how to live a fulfilling, prosperous life without feeling like there's blood on my hands. It feels like I'm in a zero-sum game; my prosperity is from another's exploitation and suffering. I want to achieve and excel, but that feels like I'm just taking advantage of others.
Fledgling trans girl that likes to talk nerdy, perform tech wizardry, do mad science, post occasional anti-capitalist and climate-rage induced rants, and show off her latest Lego builds. There will be selfies. Swears like a sailor, so you best be okay with that.My views are my own and are likely wrong.