Notices by Ash Kvetchum (
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Friday, 07-Feb-2025 11:38:25 JST Ash Kvetchum
😤 Thank you -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 07:26:23 JST Ash Kvetchum
I would reword small things (replace some prepositions to be more clear--like replacing "covenants with His Spirit* to "covenants by His Spirit"), but you get what ya what on the Internet
:eggplant_shake: -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 07:25:24 JST Ash Kvetchum
Dude, I appreciate how cordial you are. You're one of my favorite poasters on fedi, even when we aren't eye to eye (SURPRISE eye for an eye, motherfuck, lmaooo)
[Part 1 of 2]
>why Christ would bother answering those who ask Him what they must do to be saved
The four beasts/kingdoms, the statue of metals/kingdoms, and the 70 weeks prophecies of Daniel were to Christ's disciples as Revelation is to us--the latest of prophecies of the latest revealed times.
They saw the Kingdom of God of in Daniel as coming immediately, soon--along with the fall of the Second Temple. We see this when Christ points to the temple and says no stone will be left on top of another and the disciples follow by asking when this will be, what will be the signs of the end of the age, etc. It was all one to them.
Christ did not correct them that this was not so. Instead, He answered each of these questions in one response, as they had asked in one questioning.
Let's split more specifically questions regarding eternal life and questions regarding salvation.
>eternal life
When asking after eternal life, Christ refers to loving your "neighbor." (I believe we've touched this before. There is a Koine Greek word for physical, geographical "neighbor" not used here, but rather the word for "near you", "dear to you", "yours"--and the commandment He quotes in part as being the one containing all others reads "the sons of thy people."
In the same conversation about "Who is my brother?", it is not the Pharisee (position), not the priest (position), but the actual Israelite Samaritan (blood) that treats him well that is his brother. This said during a time when Samaritans were seen by Judeans (whether Israelites or not) as Israelites that left God--or even as non-Israelites attempting to slide into the covenant.
Essentially, He's saying what you and I do here: Stop making enemies of each other, work it out; you have enemies beyond you that are not of you.
What does doing that have to do with eternal life?
>Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. (1 Corinthians 3:13-15)
>And whenever the Son of Man may come in his glory, and all the holy messengers with him, then he shall sit upon a throne of his glory; and gathered together before him shall be all the nations, and he shall separate them from one another, as the shepherd doth separate the sheep from the goats, and he shall set the sheep indeed on his right hand, and the goats on the left. Then shall the king say to those on his right hand, "Come ye, the blessed of my Father, inherit the reign that hath been prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I did hunger, and ye gave me to eat; I did thirst, and ye gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and ye received me; naked, and ye put around me; I was infirm, and ye looked after me; in prison I was, and ye came unto me." Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, "Lord, when did we see thee hungering, and we nourished? Or thirsting, and we gave to drink? And when did we see thee a stranger, and we received? Or naked, and we put around? And when did we see thee infirm, or in prison, and we came unto thee?" And the king answering, shall say to them, "Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] to one of these my brethren -- the least -- to me ye did [it]."
>Then shall he say also to those on the left hand, "Go ye from me, the cursed, to the fire, the age-during, that hath been prepared for the Devil and his messengers; for I did hunger, and ye gave me not to eat; I did thirst, and ye gave me not to drink; a stranger I was, and ye did not receive me; naked, and ye put not around me; infirm, and in prison, and ye did not look after me." Then shall they answer, they also, saying, "Lord, when did we see thee hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or infirm, or in prison, and we did not minister to thee?" Then shall he answer them, saying, "Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one of these, the least, ye did [it] not to me." And these shall go away to punishment age-during, but the righteous to life age-during. (Matthew 25:31-46)
The sheep are judged / rewarded by how they treated Him--by how they treated the sheep--and *none of the sheep* are said to be cast into the fire. (This has nothing to do with deciding their salvation.)
Meanwhile, the goats are judged by how they treated Him--by how they treated the sheep, not by how they treated fellow goats--and are cast into the fire—just as the tares, "children of the wicked one" according to Christ's explanation of His parable, are thrown. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 07:25:23 JST Ash Kvetchum
[Part 2 of 2]
I know I’m reiterating with this, but I hope for clarity. Salvation is by grace, but the reward will be a judgement.
No one can take you from His hand—including yourself. Otherwise, He could not promise to save all of Israel.
>more about salvation
>calling back to how those of Christ’s day regarded Daniel as prophecy of the last days—and how their questions to Christ show this.
There was something to be saved from in their day: the destruction of Judah. Not only the temple but the remnant of the OT kingdom would fall (the fig tree would shrivel up), and so there was real, bodily death to be saved from. They needed to heed his warning. He specifically refers to Daniel by name when answering.
---- moving to the other points or questions in your response ---
>Accepting a gift ≠ earning, and choosing to not accept a gift is still an option if we are to assume free will.
Accepting/not accepting would be doing something on your part still—a completion of the salvation. “If you believe and/or do X [the scope of X being dependent upon denomination], then you will be saved.”
That’s not to misinterpret the scope of that claim, not twisting it into saying one is saving one’s self—that is not a *necessary* extension. The analogy would be you are drowning and Christ throws a float. You can grab it or not, but you did not get the float yourself; He tossed it. I say that to make assure that the concept is not being misrepresented.
The case is that Christ threw the float around you, whether you grab it or not, whether you’re flailing or not, and He’s dragging you to shore, saving you regardless of your acceptance.
Otherwise, if is the case that we can refuse salvation, it is a necessary extension that Christ will not have saved all of Israel if salvation (again, if it is dependent upon any belief/action on our part). That is contrary to God’s proclamation that all of Israel will be saved—a proclamation even reiterated in the NT by Paul. (That bothersome snag is why dispensationalists declare “The Church is now Israel.” The Church will all be saved (and by this they mean only the true Scotsman church, not [your denomination]), ergo all of “Israel” will be saved. God pulled a fast one, rather than it being the case that the God who gives His Spirit and His covenants to bloodlines would care about descendants / race.)
(As an aside, the same concern is why ‘generation’ is awkwardly placed in the NT wherever the Koine Greek says ‘race’ very, very clearly. As clear as the distinction between ‘generation’ and ‘race’ is in English.)
>Remember that Christ Himself dismisses that accepting Christ is the way of salvation.
>Where does this happen?
Christ is the way to salvation, and it has nothing to do with you accepting Him. It has only to do with Him accepting you. (The float analogy above.)
When He says that the only sin that will not be forgiven is blasphemy of the Spirit, He explicitly gives the example that one may even blaspheme the Son of Man (Himself).
The civic salvation response to this is usually that one could have denied Christ Himself but so long as one truly believes in Him and accept Him before death, then and only then are they saved. But that is counter to His statement, inherently. He doesn’t qualify “as long as you stop before dying” by any conceptual take of his statement.
If you tell me I can wear anything except polka dots and enter your house—even if I wear a shirt that says “I hate you”—that is not saying “as long you have taken the “I hate you” one off before it’s time to come in.” The qualifier is inherently counter to the statement. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 04:16:28 JST Ash Kvetchum
[Part 3 of 3]
God's covenants follow lines, as His covenants are with His Spirit, which follows lines.
He is the root, and we are the branches. Christ is the mediator for our covenant. He is a priest "after the order of Melchizedek" (the "King Righteous"), which follows after this order: a living Man in the flesh, passing from the oldest by the Spirit to their oldest descendant by the Spirit. (Ostensibly, this would mean passing from father to eldest son—and jumping from a father who outlived their deceased eldest son to that son’s eldest son. Following this order would make Noah “the eighth preacher of righteousness”, as the NT calls him obscurely. This order of mediator would pass on and be lost (to us, by us)—and it doesn’t matter—because in that line is a Son of Man, in the flesh, who is also the root by the Spirit, the oldest descendant by the Spirit, one who will never die--a perfect mediator.)
>Continuing with "If any one may not be born from above, he is not able to see the reign of God."
Picture from Christ’s Revelation of what’s to come "His Bride, the city, the new Jerusalem.” There are twelve gates with the twelve tribes' names (one cannot enter the "city" unless through these). There is a single Tree within, bearing twelve kinds of fruit. From it flows a river.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit; a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
If God is faithful, then his promise that "All of Israel will be saved" is true. How can this happen, if accepting Christ is the barrier of entry? Were there and are there not fruits of the Tree that have dismissed him, that run toward vices, that even actively want to "End Whiteness", laughing about the end of this Tree?
Remember that Christ Himself dismisses that accepting Christ is the way of salvation. The *only* unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the Spirit; one may even blaspheme the Son of Man, Christ Himself. (Yet Christ also is the way. How can these both be true? They are, and here's how.)
The conceptual issue people have when talking about this is that salvation =/= reward.
Salvation is simply and only not becoming "no more" once He returns to cast the "goats", "tares", "children of the wicked one", "the bad tree", "the works of the devil" into the lake of fire "to be no more."
This salvation is given by grace. One cannot earn it. Any idea that "If you believe/do [insert threshold], then I will give it to you" is *earning* it, by definition--just with a threshold moved. (And such takes are the reason questions like "Are babies saved?" arise, unnecessarily.) He is the root, and we are the branches. One must be born of water and the Spirit; what is flesh is flesh, what is Spirit is Spirit. The one follows the other. The Spirit follows the flesh. We are the temple. But we will die--we are a kernel, as Paul puts it. In the restoration / resurrection, we, those of God, those of the Spirit, will be given a new flesh (i.e. the flesh will follow the Spirit).
At that time, some of us, some of those of Adam, will awake to everlasting contempt--saved, but not rewarded. (Genuinely not a nod at anyone here. My coal-burning, screeching sister-in-law who thinks trannies are the epitome of morality, that there isn't an objective truth, hates Christ, sings songs about abortion, actively hates Whites and wants to protect jews? Yes, I would say that about her. Saved by the Spirit by grace, but little reward.) -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 04:11:32 JST Ash Kvetchum
[Part 2 of 3]
>A consideration that will tie in: How is Christ sinless? Yes, He is God, who is sinless--yet Christ was also born in the flesh, a literal Son of Man. We, descendants of Adam and Eve, are held as being in sin. Mary was descended of Adam, and Christ was descended of Mary. So, where’s a difference?
Start by saying Mary was not sinless. (Sorry Catholics.) Mary is descended from Adam by flesh and from God by Spirit (following the line up through Adam to God).
Christ, being born of Mary, is by flesh descended from Adam. (He put on our sin as a curse, as Scripture sometimes puts it.) Yet, Christ, being *without a father in the flesh*, is not descended by the Spirit from Adam. He is of God.
He is God.
Indeed, it is rather that Adam is descended from Him by the Spirit.
We can know that one's birth does matter as Christ states:
>Verily, verily, I say to thee, If any one may not be born from above, he is not able to see the reign of God."
>Nicodemus saith unto him, "How is a man able to be born, being old? is he able into the womb of his mother a second time to enter, and to be born?"
>Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say to thee, If any one may not be born of water, and the Spirit, he is not able to enter into the reign of God; that which hath been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which hath been born of the Spirit is spirit. Thou mayest not wonder that I said to thee, It behoveth you to be born from above; the Spirit where he willeth doth blow, and his voice thou dost hear, but thou hast not known whence he cometh, and whither he goeth; thus is every one who hath been born of the Spirit."
Is being a descendant of Abraham the bit, the whole thing? No, flesh is just the water. The water is important however because the Spirit is passed by the flesh and will not mix with others. (We have one Father. If your mother's is descended from Adam (by mother and father) by the flesh and your father is descended from Adam by the flesh, then you are descended from God by the Spirit, in all directions. You have, by the Spirit, one Father.)
Esau's descendants were (and are today) descendants of Abraham by the flesh, yet we are told of God that "Esau I will hate forever." Esau mixed their flesh with the Hittites. His descendants are now bastards, no longer of Adam by the flesh and Christ by the Spirit, no longer clinging to the tree. The Spirit is not in them. (Note that this is true of Esau’s *descendants*. Esau himself will be saved.)
Malachi is about this, refuting "Are we not all God's children?" (Funnily, the Pharisees--Edomites, descendants of Esau--use this line as their defense against Christ.)
The Spirit will keep true. It will not follow flesh that breaks away from the tree. This is spiritually why race-mixing is sinful. It is blasphemy of the Spirit. The Spirit will not follow. Instead you get:
>"These are in your love-feasts craggy rocks; feasting together with you, without fear shepherding themselves; clouds without water, by winds carried about; trees autumnal, without fruit, twice dead, rooted up; wild waves of a sea, foaming out their own shames; stars going astray, to whom the gloom of the darkness to the age hath been kept." (Jude 1:12-13) -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 04:11:32 JST Ash Kvetchum
🤣 Those there maymays are gud
[Part 1 of 3 (I am so sorry; I tried, and I hope you enjoy 🤣 ) ]
>Canaanite woman
Giving someone something that is nothing for you to do--in order to send that someone away--a someone who is pestering the people you are trying to be with--is not welcoming them in.
Notice the difference between how Christ treats the Roman centurion and the Canaanite woman. Both have someone away that needs healing (the centurion, a servant; the Canaanite, a daughter). Yet only one is told "It is not meet to give to the dogs what is meant for the children," while the other (the centurion) is praised instead.
The "what faith" is "what persistence"--of the Canaanite. It's not praise, but eyeroll exasperation.
>Why does birth matter?
You have a mom and a dad from whom you are descended by the flesh. You also are descended from them by the Spirit.
Adam was descended from God by the Spirit as God gave His Spirit to Adam.
Adam was descended from no one by the flesh.
Eve was taken of Adam, so that even she was descended from Adam by the flesh and from Adam by the Spirit (and thus from God by the Spirit).
The Tree of Life is this: Christ, being God, is by the Spirit the root. We are the branches, by the Spirit. The Spirit follows down the flesh, passed by the flesh. This is why God’s covenants are constantly “you and your descendants.”
*This tree* will be saved--which only means not thrown into the lake of fire. This is apart from reward or no reward. This is by grace—by definition, is not earned, cannot be earned.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is that which angels cultivated by "not keeping their first estate" by "going after strange flesh."
The father of this would not be God.
This is the tree that will be cut down and thrown into the lake of fire and be no more.
"I will utter things kept secret since the foundations of the world" is what Christ said before giving the parable speaking of the tares sewn in that *the farmer did not sew*--the tares that would be cut down and are to be thrown into fire on a last day. Christ called the Edomite Pharisees "offspring of vipers", a "bad tree", etc. That imagery is not new imagery, but continuation—purposeful.
>Entertain for a moment the part you are likely to have the most contention with below. The oldest Gen 4:1 examples known differ wildly from one another--and the passages we still keep in every version regardless that immediately follow Gen 4:1 fail to list Cain as a descendant of Adam, instead giving Cain his own "and these are the descendants of Cain" passage, meanwhile saying Seth replaced Abel, rather than replacing Cain:
Cain was not of Adam. He was descended by the flesh by Adam because his mother, Eve, is of the flesh by Adam, but he is descended by spirit from his father, the serpent. This is the seed with whom we have had and will have enmity until the last day. (Entertain the concept, for the moment.)
And so Cain and his descendants, the Kenites, mixed with the Canaanites, who mixed with the Hittites. Esau mixed with the Hittites, and so on. This is the entirety of the distinction between God's different treatment between certain non-Israelites (those of Adam) and certain other non-Israelites (those not of Adam). Just following the genealogies traces the split between His commandments to the Israelites of how to treat others around them, and it's the distinction of Christ's treatment between the centurion and the Canaanite woman.
This is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the tares, that continues to grow. God once sent a flood in the land after Adam's descendants kept mixing with even more angels, sparing only Noah "who was righteous and *perfect in his generations.* " -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 01:24:38 JST Ash Kvetchum
I'm a-writin' to yer other comment, on the other branch
🍻 -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 00:38:10 JST Ash Kvetchum
Make it about Jesus and they care more. They don't care about God or Truth. They care about Jesus ("How do I get to heaven? How do I get mine?")
----actual method, I use----
What works (*more* frequently, but not *frequently* 💀 ) is, funnily, drawing a map.
I draw the OT kingdom. I call it His Bride, as He does in the OT. I explain the law is a marriage vow. I draw a split in that kingdom, into two kingdoms and call them Ephraim and Judah (after the largest tribe of each), or Samaria and Jerusalem (after their capitals). I mention "like the Good Samaritan" so that their eyes light up with a nodding recognition and they're back in Sunday school somewhere.
I ask them where the Jews are.
Here, you correct them.
"Texans are to Americans what Jews are to Israelites--*at that time*."
I erase Ephraim, while talking about Assyrians.
I erase most of Judah, talking about Babylonians.
I talk about the scattered sheep, how "I will scatter the seed of Israel among man"--and that God had said He Himself will come and be the good shepherd for His scattered sheep. I ask them what Jesus called Himself. (Gotta refer to Jesus again or they get weary of your OT voodoo.)
I then explain 'Israelite' versus 'Jew' to them in terms of race and State. "If a White Irishman leaves Ireland, is he no longer White? Of course he remains White. If a Congo bushman gains Irish citizenship--becoming an "Irish" citizen--is he White now?" (You have to point at the analogous Kindgom of Israel map for the revelance of these to click.)
I talk about 'natal' and 'nation.'
I do the same game then with one of the midwest States and native tribes. "Is someone in Iowa/Illinois/Kentucky/Missouri an Indian? No. They're White, huh? Or black. Asian. We call them all by an Indain name now though--even though *none* of them are Indian? How did that happen?"
I tell them Nehemiah, Ezra, and Malachi especially harp on this distinction. (They don't know who those are. 😔)
I then tell them the difference between Christ telling Pharisees "You are not My sheep, therefore you do not hear Me," which He did say, versus "You do not hear Me, therefore you are not My sheep."
"I have come only for the lost sheep of Israel." I ask them, "If the Pharisees were Israelites who just didn't follow Him, wouldn't that be just a *lost* sheep? Yet he says they are *not even His sheep*. Who are the sheep again?"
If they can be pushed positively on race, I add "And He talks about dividing *nations* into sheep nations and goat nations. And Abraham was promised that his seed would become many nations. When did that ever happen? And God said He'd scatter the seed of Israel...
Where did that seed go? Why is Jesus called a light for *revelation of the nations*? And where did He send His apostle Paul?--the apostle *of the nations*?"
If they are very attentive, I go into how Christ dying saved Israelites, how that released the OT Bride (all of Israel--whether scattered or near--not just the remnant in the land sharing a citizenship with non-sheep) who would be sentenced to die according to the law. (I show them Paul explaining this using the exact same 'husband', 'bride', 'vow' terms in Romans. Death of the husband releases the unfaithful bride.)
From the Bride, you can go into Revelation (the Bride taken to the wilderness and the Whore found in the wilderness). They care again there (because Revelation = NT = Jesus, away from your voodoo OT).
And then they disagree with you and tell you what Left Behind says. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2025 20:48:17 JST Ash Kvetchum
Bro, no, this is the era of dispensations, okay? Trump is proof, okay? It's like a pendulum.
There's a dispensation for elections, and God is telling us through His Orange Trumpet. He's warning us to protect Jews. He has a plan. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2025 20:40:13 JST Ash Kvetchum
I had a second piece that I took out before sending the one above--just a sigh about how the irl conservatives I know who still say "globalists" and who are wojak facing over Trump are also the ones that have been the most fervent that "Well, yeah, that's in the OT, but... ", "The Church is Israel now. Remember the law is over", and simultaneously "We have to protect the Jews, His precious people. Hate is sinful."
So tiring, man -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2025 20:40:13 JST Ash Kvetchum
It's 2025, and people's grasp of Christianity is "Jesus is more merciful than His Father, the OT--and we should follow the different, modern morality of the NT." -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2025 20:40:11 JST Ash Kvetchum
"It's just a good moral foundation. But we don't have to do sacrifices anymore."
"We" don't? The law was given only to the Israelites. You were adament that we weren't Isr--fuck it, I'm out. lol -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 09:45:12 JST Ash Kvetchum
I remember when OSHA published on their website that they would in fact not be enforcing reporting of adverse effects because it could cause strain on employers trying to get their employees vaccinated.
Just the necessary conclusion following that logic (and easy showing of the irl dot gov page publishing the stance) was an easy red flag that helped me sway some irl shown this to *at least* wait. (Of course, many woeful cowards took it wide-eyed as "So there's no time to lose! Oh, God!")
The CDC publication in July 2021 that stated the vaccinated transmit at the same rate as the unvaccinated should have been the end of this. Alas, people sweat and jerk off to the sound of televisions breathing at them from the closet. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 04:45:36 JST Ash Kvetchum
lol Fuck. Made me laugh in the middle of a waiting room.
If I had a kalamata olive I could toss one, a sleight of hand distraction to these now almost-not-bored on-lookers.
Instead I have to look autistic snickering over my hidden-screen phone.
I bet they think I like black olives. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 04:26:44 JST Ash Kvetchum
I should look up recipes that use kalamata olives.
So far, I've only had them on a "gourmet" pizza (lol lmao) at a sit-down pizzeria--and on a charcuterie board I threw them on later.
I like me a good green olive sparingly. Burst of flavor, but as a bite, not more than that.
Blacks, as in many things, are not for me. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 04:17:38 JST Ash Kvetchum
Have you fine folk ever tried a prime kalamata olive?
I used to think I wasn't an olive man. -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 22:47:11 JST Ash Kvetchum
The decision to offer backpay to veterans dismissed from the military for refusing covid vaccination reads as an attempt to quickly build up personnel (doubt this will be the result).
I've seen MAGAsexuals applauding, cheering this as a restoration addressing a wrong. They are missing that the backpay is offered *upon restitution to position*--at least as stated so far.
You join again, you get the money. There are no wrongs righted.
I'm thinking Trump presidency = time to bulk up for war, but war isn't until the immediate following presidency. (But who fucking knows.) -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 22:47:09 JST Ash Kvetchum
Wonder whether we'll get a "9/11 2.0"--another Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, etc. for that patriotic pull-in of recruitment. However...
Still wouldn't bring in the numbers imo, but I wonder whether the attempt will still happen.
Then again, usually those have been done with knowledge of--or at least subsequent acquiescence by--the sitting president. I don't see this particular president being up for such an event. Harder to do 9/11 *around* that (but not impossible). But maybe the presidency right after Trump will get that 2.0 boom.
And maybe citizenship will be streamlined for non-citizens (who won't be deported before then) with a concurrent actual deportation threat. Messages of "By their merit they're showing they're the best of America--that they truly want to preserve our freedoms! Are YOU signing up, young men? How are YOU any more American than they are?" -
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Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 16-Jan-2025 23:35:01 JST Ash Kvetchum
Last week, I just kept walking, walked on by a cart that had been left--left nudged beside a pole at one of the handicap spots. I could see it as I walked from the further back parking spots, on my way to the door. I knew I would need a cart once I was in. But this one?--one clearly where it shouldn't be, one that fitted what I needed, one that would even save my path some steps?
I left that testament of society where it was.
I started then to wonder who I am now.
(i didn't want to touch it what if a nigger touched it high likelihood)