@bmacDonald94 Apple’s AI has zero ability help with the contents of the new M4 computer it runs on. I was hoping for an improved version Unix ‘glimpse’.
@bmacDonald94 A dear departed friend and mentor of 43 years was a math prof. He said that a PHD thesis 10 years ago would not have been accepted as an MS thesis in late ‘60s. His webpage is still up. Partial Differential Calculus & Lineral Algebra textbook & teaching guide. https://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/
@kibcol1049 Dorothy Parker & The Round Table at The Algonquin Hotel in NYC were part of my life. Dad lived there 6-weeks to soak up the vibes while we moved in ‘60.
Dorothy Parker — 'If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.'
@bmacDonald94 Had fabulous schooling in HS, college seemed a breeze. Then I found a book that launched me on a rewarding collection, “Justine” by Lawrence Durrell.
@flyblue@Urban_Hermit@eyrea@samplereality Learned touch typing in ‘61. Yes, locking keys & ink on fingers. Reams of paper through an Olivetti Lettera 22 ‘67-‘71. 1st laptop :)
@Urban_Hermit@flyblue@eyrea@samplereality My best college papers were typed, cut w/scissors & taped together for final draft. HS was essays w/fountain pens in inkwells, smeared by being left handed.
@mattly I do consider an accommodation as a perk. They were necessary & 4+ jobs provided them for remote work, skiing , sailing , logging & construction work. Slept in cars, vans & on floors as the couch was taken. :)
@lkanies@thomasfuchs Envy you. If you’ve time in Tucson, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is worth a visit. It’s ~25 minutes West of town, been 3x. A vest pocket size treasure is Tohono Chul park at Ina & Oracle, stayed at motel next door on purpose ~4x.