Arranged marriages are/were also the custom in pooland and their breeding rate is higher than Whites.
Below replacement level fertility has more to do with modernity (industrial revolution and its consequences) incl culture and chemical pollution of the environment, e.g. hormone disruptors.
There were jokes about husbands in the past, but it went both ways.
Consistently shitting on husbands in the media is almost certainly a relatively recent psychop. At the very least it's a Schelling point for the various jews controlling the media.
Classic late-stage empire. Loyalty promoted over competency for a long time. Still think it rules the (known) world, but military power is hollowing out and competitors are starting to notice.
The illegals may stop signing up to serve if there's real risk of dying in a large-scale conflict. Besides, they're already pampered why would they care about citizenship? Citizenship was a good carrot when it gave you significant advantages.
Shutting down mental asylums were another major blow by jews to undermine society. There were problems with the asylum system that could have been addressed without letting all the mentally ill - like this woman - loose on society.
This makes sense if viewed as a "fast life history" action. In a chaotic environment it is impossible to plan long term, might as well make the most of the present. Life in the early 21st century looks chaotic and unpredictable enough for the average person. @anonaccount
I see people walking their dogs, completely oblivious to their surroundings because they're lost in their phones. It's probably the one time in their day when they could connect to nature, but they ignore even this opportunity.
I have listened to audiobooks or podcasts on long walks, but at least I look at nature while doing it.
He who dares not offend cannot be honest. - Thomas PaineThe object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus AureliusThe closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are. - Marcus Tullius CiceroThe more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. - Tacitus