“We do not know what led to this crash, but we have some very strong ideas and opinions, and I think we’ll state those opinions now,” is a statement that really captures the essence of the moment.
'The question now is not a million miles away. Who will support? Who will collaborate? Who will decide that they are “not political” and look away as millions of people are harmed? Who will make excuses for it all? Who secretly welcomes the push for theocracy, for in-groups and out-groups, for “traditional” values that prioritize rigid gender roles, segregation, and oligarchy? Who, in other words, is safe?'
@GottaLaff@emd@coop while this is more of a question for our Trust-and-Safety team, I can say that we keep an up-to-date blocklist and our T&S people are really on the ball. Tagging @timbray@evan@johannab
Mastodon.social has oodles of bots itself… you might find anywhere else better for that reason alone.
Ensuring that everyone you want to reach from that server can be reached from that server can occassionally become impossible for reasons entirely out of your control.
Participating in annual reviews this year, and it occurs to me that the process now mostly consists of groups of employees using various vendors’ LLMs to populate another vendor’s database.
@pluralistic is as clear-eyed as ever here, and I agree wholeheartedly with this take on #bluesky:
“Bluesky lacks the one federated feature that is absolutely necessary for me to trust it: the ability to leave Bluesky and go to another host and continue to talk to the people I've entered into community with there.”
So that’s several layers of technology at play. Writing - the representation of language in a form that is interpreted by people of a shared culture- that’s like ~5k years old.
Average middle-aged guy from various places in Ontario. Collector of various nerdly interests.Into #running, #books, #chess, #videogames. At least a little bit #buddhist. Trying to lead an examined life. I believe that we have the right to safe digital spaces where we can build communities free from corrosive capitalist influence.Working to build a sustainable, non-corporate web as a volunteer with #CoSocialCaPosts auto-delete after 2 months.