@munin I had a similar experience in the Covid pandemic. A bunch of conspiracist anti-vax stickers appeared on lamp posts around town here. I took to tearing them off, or if stuck down too well I'd apply a marker pen. The next week I found someone else had got there with the marker before me, and a couple of weeks later they stopped appearing.
@TimWardCam@gavin57@CaffeinatedBookDragon@cstross@Oggie@pluralistic The other thing about dumb thermostats is that they have hysteresis and no prediction. Say you set it at 20 degrees C. It waits until the temp is 19 before turning on. Then it stays on until the temp is 21. But the radiators are still hot so your house heats up to around 22. A 3 degree temperature swing is pretty uncomfortable.
Our smart thermostat now keeps the temp within 1/2 a degree C of what we set.
@Willow Umm. What do I do when a woman tells me that she isn't safe in a public restroom that trans women are allowed to use? I do believe (as a cis het male) that trans people should be able to use the restroom they identify with, but I know that some cis women aren't comfortable with that.
Food starts to look a lot easier if you assume plenty of cheap energy. And in many parts of the world the population is actually decreasing as people get wealthy.
@cstross@tuban_muzuru > The geopolitics of a solar-powered world will look rather different
That sounds like a very interesting question. Those desert dictatorships won't have the oil wealth, but they will still have lots of sunshine. So will big bits of the southern USA and Mexico. We may see energy-intensive industries relocating equatorwards. Or if better ways of shipping energy around get developed, maybe not.
@cstross@JelliedHeals@ChrisMayLA6 There also seems to be a cultural thing going on. Senior doctors have repeatedly argued that junior doctors *have* to work those long hours to get enough experience. Seems like, because they had to do it to get qualified, they can't imagine that it wasn't necessary.
Married, software dev, geek, science fiction fan, Linux user. searchable.My username is a reference to https://wiki.lspace.org/Ponder_Stibbons, a geek who thinks of himself as the Unseen University's "token sane person". In reality he's as mad as the rest of the faculty.With hindsight, perhaps this joke is a bit too obscure.