What’re the cards for? If you create collection of them? Like any “stimulus” activity (like Oblique Strategies) can use them to direct questions at your system (under design/evolution)-like, what’s our system boundary? How’re we - thinking about it? - maintaining it? But creating the cards is already useful — we might go from “emergent properties” to observability” to “stigmergy” to “boundary object” & we’ve collected a bunch of useful (understanding generating) ideas - https://mastodon.social/@RuthMalan/113588891523427144
3. Create one or more (as time permits) concept cards with concept name, evocative doodle or icon that visually represents it & words (or quote) that gets idea of the concept across, as it relates to systems. Card size is an intentional constraint. You miiiight want to use fewer words, but this gets at the idea: The key is to not overthink it; we’re just getting ideas out. If you like idea of concept cards (or any other tool we use in these dailies), you can return to them with more time later.
#FreeSoftwareAdvent day 2 Colima, Container runtimes on macOS (& Linux) with minimal setup - https://github.com/abiosoft/colima Primary use case: using ephemeral containers whilst developing interactive pre/pro-totypes. I got so tired of development software putting crap all over the place in directories. Get rid of all the junk when the container is deleted, leaving only the code intact on your machine.
No, don’t need docker, k8s et al explained to me either-resist that urge. Share fav open source tool.
I exported my mastodon archive yesterday. Today, motivated to design and create a tool that reproduces my conversation _entire_ experience. I’ve resisted going anywhere near ActivityPub “API” as it is more of an intention than an implementation. Wish me luck!
Has anyone used warp - https://www.warp.dev? I don’t understand/model: - how it augments the command line interface (CLI). - Or does it replace it he CLI? - Or is it all of the above (AND)? - Or is it something else entirely?
1. “Jailbreak” term presumes 100% that LLMs come in a secure vault. No they do not = 0%.
2. “Jailbreak LLM” presumes 100% that an LLM is a solution system or collection of functions for a specific purpose, not a statistical API that takes prompt + parameters as inputs and returns a bunch of words I.e. a bare engine = 0%.
The reason why there’s unexpected “surprise” is because of presumed (mis)expectation of LLM functional capability.
Nature: Encodes sustainable human life into a minuscule messenger. Humans: can only decode 2% of the message so other 98% must be “junk”. ‘Historically, some have even referred to these regions as "junk."’- https://c.im/@cdarwin/113457280869040865
It’s more that people don’t like “unilateral, unexpected, unannounced, unconsented, unplanned and imposed” interruption to a carefully constructed, self-curated process/workflow via “trail & error” feedback from experimentation that is finally working for them. It’s a personal productivity “car crash without seat belt” that no one signed up for when they spent money on a tool that’s “supposed” to enable & enhance their “personal productivity”.
The guaranteed variance originates in the “why”(enclosing social system’s culture, social practices, …) reflected in the “how” (expressed implementation or accent), not the “what”(intention - indicating a verbatim quotation). https://hachyderm.io/@danderson/113411709745533765
What fascinates me is that it’s scientists (AKA people): - who are prompting chatGPT and LLM-based solutions - who are copying the prompt results, pasting them into scientific papers as the authors and publishing them as their work. This situation demonstrates the lack of ethical decision making by scientists (AKA people), enabled by a specific tool, LLMs.
@mekkaokereke Designer: probably should add: 1. Loading pointer icon indicator 2.Lloading, please wait UI interaction affordance 3. UI throttle-trap to intercept repeat selects on the same control before the previous micro service requests have completed and returned their results.
Developer: Don’t need to do none of that! Any reasonable person would make the request and wait. I know (not I presume with evidenced probability of zero-0) that they won’t repeatedly select the button.
The government money comes from taxes. 1% don’t pay tax & have sacked the masses who do. So “tax-source” is gonna eventually go bankrupt. Then the “investors” can get their nourishment from their monetary hoard.
What always fascinates me with that thinking & focus to eliminate labour to “minimise/eliminate” costs, who happen happen to be the same audience that forms the market for your product, is this question:
Who is the “mass market” that is going to purchase your “minimized costs” produced products - the 1% hoarding (b/m)illionaires?
“cutting your nose to spite your face” proverb comes to mind.
Totally agree with @PavelASamsonov UX Design research isn’t about producing/writing output “persona” document. It’s about designing, setting up & running your experiment to prove/disprove human behavior hypothesis. This would be like a chemist not bothering with the laboratory experiment or Pharma not bothering with clinical trials & letting LLM come up with words, cos cheaper & unethical as hell! > "No, AI user research is not “better than nothing” — it’s much worse" - https://uxdesign.cc/no-ai-user-research-is-not-better-than-nothing-its-much-worse-5add678ab9e7
Been thinking about your posts on Software Architecture modernization.
An analogy that maybe a fit or a stretch: Lots of Software Architecture modernization is like trying to extend/remodel a building without original blueprints. So you need Architects who have had experience with such structures to “reverse engineer” a blueprint (abstraction) especially for load-bearing features of the current structure & then make update decisions/trade-offs based on that abstraction.