@SuperSnekFriend@BowsacNoodle yeah libtards have this weird thing where they can't imagine anything or anyone that is wholesome to be sincere, they always have to imagine some secret dark side.
4 just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love.
5 He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
i am not that far in the bible to have gotten here yet, so granted i don't have much authority to speak here, just from what i have understood, and from what i have been taught when i participated in studying the bible.
ironically, just today i have heard of the story of Paul and Philemon and read it during lunch (both english and german).
i think this would be a letter Paul sent to the church in Ephesia.
so this would be referring to Christians, but it doesn't seem to specifically exclude non-Christians either in this, i will read through Ephisians fully eventually, and take my time with it, i still have a lot to read through still, while i did learn a lot through the bible study and was able to understand a lot more, i still have a lot more to go, so if i am somewhere wrong here do tell me.
what i have learned however, as a catholic here, is that free will is essential to our human experience, and the fact that we can choose to follow the Holy Spirit, is what gives meaning to our journey, this is also what i feel about it
@branman65@BowsacNoodle@SuperSnekFriend i believe in free will, without free will you wouldn't have either evil nor good, just incentives, you would believe that your entire existence is just based on chemicals in your brain rather than a human soul (the one that God gave you)
one of the things i do notice is the constant implication of the lack of free will, that humans cannot resist, they failed to resist, nevertheless they DO know it deep in their hearts that they must fight through. but instead of deciding to keep their dignity, they proclaim that they either do not have a chance to redeem themselves, or that they never were able to from the beginning and they start to parrot that all who suffered and struggled like they did must have gone down the same path that they did.
and when they notice that there were others that struggled but still managed to keep their dignity intact, they get offended, the mere sighting of a man who is pure at heart and resolute despite his hardships attacks them more than anything, which is why they cope with the idea that it's "all pretend".
they must deny the existence of free-will at every opportunity because if they believed in it, then they would have to open up the cracking dam that is their regrets, and beyond that they must face the path to grow from then on.
@BowsacNoodle@SuperSnekFriend The 1950s had its ups and downs. One thing libtards conveniently leave out or spin for ideological purposes: the shellshock endemic among men who saw action, including my grandpa who had his limb blown off by a Japanese grenade.
@TheEternalBungholio@SuperSnekFriend As is often the case, they don't understand second order or third or effects. >How could these people who saw their young friends blown to bits by Germans and Japs and who had to reuse every piece of paper and grow vegetables to survive because of war economy be so rigid and obsessed with protecting "society"!? Midwits.
Is it free will itself, the universe that we interact with, or the second and therefore the first that are compromised by sin? I have mostly thought of this as
our nature and the world itself is fallen because of original sin. We are therefore even less capable of making "good" decisions without aligning our desires to God's will.
Christ illustrates this second point in every way, including The Lord's Prayer. I was instructed to put special emphasis on the bolded line:
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
There were group of actors that I normal expected to make more quips than ask actual questions to determine the real person of the three, like what you would see on future shows like Match Game, because the group hired by CBS, paid B-list actors and actresses, were not known for being the most intelligent of American society. The quipping did happen not at the level I expected. Despite the stereotype, the early panel were able to make questions that people today would never understand, like precise geography of Europe, knowing the nuance of Africa's animal population or specific terms of opera. And CBS at the time thought their audience was smart enough to allow that kind of hard knowledge gate to the primetime show.
It felt like I was watching a show from an entirely different country and entirely different people group who happen to speak English and not just from a show from a mere sixty years ago. How the hell did mass and collective intelligence decrease in that relatively short time? You cannot just blame this purely on immigration. It seems like your typical White normie has become more stupid as well, and I'm not exception. It doesn't seem to matter if you do public schooling, private, or homeschooling. Education and cultural diffusion has degraded all over.
I feel like I've been robbed of many better things that these people received. :jahy_sad:
Every vector is pointing towards the dumbing down of the population.
- High-school standards are reduced to middle-school level because that's what diversity can accomplish (if that). - Social media distracts with irrelevant things 24x7 - Traditional media, movies and TV shows are also made for either the lowest common denominator or for propaganda. (or both) - Have you noticed going into a bookstore, that it now has a huge Young Adult section? It's perhaps larger than the romance (porn for foids) section. A couple decades ago the Young Adult category didn't exist. There were children's books and adult. Now even "adults" read mostly young adult. 😩 And I won't even get into who gets published (women and fags). It's impossible to find a male oriented exploration/adventure novel. - STEM majors used to teach foundations and general principles. Then graduates picked up the specific technologies at their jobs. That has shifted to teaching "skills" immediately applicable to the job market of the day at the expense of teaching the foundations.
The absolute worst part is that the average person is completely unaware of their pitiful ignorance and consider themselves automatically superior to people who lived in earlier times.
@BroDrillard@SuperSnekFriend@BowsacNoodle@TheEternalBungholio So I am tutoring a stay at home student, who has exceeded the skill of his gaurdian in mathmatics. He is doing Pre-Calc as as a junior and Calculus 1 as a senior. The co-op they participate in has my ideal standards.
This student is interested in art. He will be more prepared than collage freshmen. He is also learning independently now. This clearly works.
@themilkman@BowsacNoodle@branman65 >but it doesn't seem to specifically exclude non-Christians either in this But it does, as the unelect unbelievers are never granted the graces that leads to adoption. Those that die unbelieving are doomed to remain with titles bastards and familial rebels, forever.
If the Lord wills for someone to receive salvific grace and adoption, the Lord will make it so in history, for the Lord's will will be done and the Lord never changes His will or mind (Psalms 33:10-11, Isaiah 46:8-10, 1 Samuel 15:29, Malachi 3:6)
@SuperSnekFriend@themilkman@branman65 I dislike the fixation on omniscience that leads to these conclusions. I'm perfectly happy being the grug on the left of the bell curve and just trusting in God and trying to do His will while hopefully leading others to Him.
@SuperSnekFriend@branman65@themilkman With no disrespect meant towards anyone in this thread, I find the conceptualizing of omniscience and our attempts to conceptualize it funny. Perhaps God looks at us the way we do a small child who, after figuring out a simple cause and effect relationship, thinks he understands everything about something far beyond his capability.
@BowsacNoodle@themilkman@branman65 Usually, the fight is not over God's omniscience, though you have some goober heads that one shot themselves over that like Open Theists. The fight is over the Lord's sovereignty and what it means compared to creation and man.
>I'm perfectly happy being the grug on the left of the bell curve and just trusting in God and trying to do His will while hopefully leading others to Him. Amen! We are all grugs compared to the Lord. Thank You Jesus for leading us unga bunga grug brains!
@BowsacNoodle@branman65@themilkman No disrespect received! We theologians have to retain humility as much as possible, understanding that no matter our skills, or knowledge of obscure things like Semitic and Ugaritic languages or the recent archeological finds or the deep logical constructs of the doctrines of God, we are always children this side of heaven. We must never forget the main purpose of God's revelation is to simply reconcile us with Him through Christ so we can know him better and more fully in Heaven.
The Word is not a complex puzzle only the erudite can solve.
@sj_zero@SuperSnekFriend@branman65@themilkman Ever ask a "smart" person what electricity is, or ever think about it yourself? We all know *what it does* and *how it works*, but people assume their functional explanation is the same as truly understanding it. Do the electrons physically move from negative to positive (or vice versa)? How could that be electricity if their max travel speed in that medium (e.g. copper wire) is only a few meters per second vs the achieved speed of electricity?