@mhoye@mekkaokereke@molly0xfff Yeah, the whole zero-trust computing world is like if you took a cute mathematical theory and then built a religion around it
@mekkaokereke Every single time I see Jackson do the moonwalk it is as amazing as the first time I saw it. A magical dance move for a ridiculously awesome song.
@thomasfuchs And sometimes bullshit is what you need! The bad things happen when people believe they can generate better stuff, or think "real intelligence is just around the corner."
And: It might be! Even two years ago, I didn't think they'd be generating text as parsable as they're generating now. I remain genuinely surprised.
But I also suspect there's something much more going on in humans and training more parameters on more data is likely to yield diminishing returns.
@thomasfuchs Sometimes this turns into "launch the garlic across the kitchen" for me. The trick I've found more effective is to shake the garlic vigorously in a hard container for 5-10 seconds (think "cocktail shaker with garlic cloves")
When you're done, the garlic comes out of the shell trivially.