@purple I have legitimately thought about a motorcycle for a good while. Especially for long distance, with maybe that metaphorical Taurus/Sable as a <$500 beater car with enough parts removed to rival a base model 80s Civic. Motorcycles at the ≤$1k zone *exist*, but one might have to pay up more for all of the below: >runs >won't fear for life on highways (200cc+, I hear that the TW200 just requires a different tune to go faster) >accepted by motorcycle training classes (50-300cc), optional but feels convenient >reliable manufacturer & model >street legal
I am lucky to have lived in a town where I could mostly get around with a bicycle, but that won't cut it if going out-of-town. There is no way I am going to bikepack every single time to meet in a different city.
@icedquinn Truth be told, KDE4+ already had issues with running on an i5-2400 I had, so I don't have much hope for a newer version for performance and size improvements.
@p@icedquinn Yeah, that was one reservation about werc (no disrespect to the good people that somehow werc it). My current short term goal is basically like using Geocities (Neocities) but with more automation but also less parts in total.
Like typing raw HTML for text-only purposes like a pithy one sentence joke or a web novel isn't fun, hence why static site generators and Markdown blew up with buzz. But also I am not installing freaking npm on my personal computer. (See also: literally every CSS preprocessor/framework)
Just something that converts Markdown to XHTML (because Dillo compatible 😇 ), while I can slap some CSS together to color the page into Solarized Light and add a sidebar/navbar (another tangent eminent).
@icedquinn do you know about the site generators that use awk (zodiac) and shell (ssg) respectively? Haven't used either yet but the idea of using the tools that are roughly in all unix-like systems to slap up a blog is really cool tbh
@icedquinn I once used an old freeware program just called "VST Host" but despite on paper being just a thing to connect a Klon-type distortion plugin to an amp sim, the user has the option to record the raw output of whatever comes out. And so I ended up getting the best high gain guitar tone not from Studio One or Reaper or Amplitube or a real practice amp, but a bunch of old free plugins in a sort of VST sandbox.
I feel like the private equity firm that started chewing on Ultimate-Guitar and Musescore and Audacity understands this and is trying to transform the latter in this direction. The problem is that IMO any community drama and old cruft could've been sidestepped by building up from a lower level than an audio editor.
Idk where I'm going with the above, but a "Dear Imgui/Nuklear for Music Production" would be sick.
@icedquinn When looked at that way of paring down inputs, there's gotta be a sort of simplification of DAWs that almost replicates an old 1-4 track tape recorder but with the aesthetic sparseness in included instruments. Even programs like Audacity or OpenMPT go outside this boundary. SuperCollider or CSound with a sequencer and Synth1 or 3xOSC, or GarageBand but all sounds played back are generated with FM presets or Additive synthesis. FL Studio but if it never expanded its feature set past 2004.
@icedquinn@jamie There was also some trump era land grants/tax breaks for new factories to be built in pennsylvania and wisconsin(?) but those Ideas basically fizzled out after two-three years. It's like a larger scale version of when a town makes a big statement of reviving their economy with one new stream, and it doesn't even make it out of the meeting phase but a good chunk of money was still bandied about.
@icedquinn@freon might want to include the multiple graphic designers and ppl that give the synth sounds funny visuals. more are willing to pay for a sound generator over a thousand USD if the compressor is visualized as a cow with multiple stomach chambers. Cue that chart comparing the OP1 to an iPhone running Korg Gadget with a Nanokeys taped to the back.
@allison Why Discord: Venture Capital funding @ Silicon Valley already targets for insufferable nerds and entrepreneur/investor leeches cooking for the next unicorn Add in the CHAT FOR GAMERZ flavoring and you get internet addicts Mobile app + freemium business plan invites phone posters including the vast majority of teenagers and young adults.
And so the earliest adopters consist of Would-be YA readers reposting from Twitter or iFunny and immediately TikTok once it rebrands away from Musical Dot Ly. Which also catches the tail end of pre "Adpocalypse" YouTube and frog/Phoneposter era imageboards.
Alleged Artist, Eternal Lurker/ Formerly INTJ/ Agnostic theist/ Anti-fun activist/ Humorless scold/ No one lives in a vacuum/ Ask, and you shall receiveCURRENTLY READING: "Facundo (Or, Civilization And Barbarism)" by Domingo F. SarmientoEMAIL/XMPP: Ask.Icon by @extinct@redroo.ml