@BeAware I love that "All the Single Ladies" is in there -- reflects the constant, unwanted, soundtrack running in the background of my head 24/7. Just one more annoyance on top of all the other mess.
@alexander@quinn The ones who are trying to leave are the ones who are so disgusted with America, or so threatened by the hate, that they are willing to leave their homes, friends, families, and jobs to move somewhere where they will have to live life on hard mode while trying to integrate, to get away from it. They are not the sowers.
@FirefighterGeek@GreenSkyOverMe I think this is what causes weight stigma: most of us have experience making changes to our diet and seeing the effect of those changes, so we think that should just work for everyone. But I have long suspected, and the effectiveness of these drugs confirms, that it’s hormonal changes that drive the weight gain, and you can’t realistically make long term changes in the face of hormones that effect energy storage, cravings, thoughts, and fatigue levels, etc.
@GrrlScientist Is hard to stop buying plastic when everything you need to buy comes with a side of plastic packaging. Tell governments to ban plastic packaging.
@pettter@researchfairy These are not specifically problems with democrats, but problems with a two-party system. It’s impossible to hold either party in a two-party system to account (what are you going to do, vote for the other side?!). It’s inherently undemocratic and allows horrible policies to persist on both sides. And it’s nearly impossible to expand the number of parties once your system has devolved to this state.
@TechConnectify@cbehopkins@dysfun@JustinH I want this platform to work for folks like you, so I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I assume that the volume of block requests you would have to submit is unworkably high, not that your instance is ignoring your block requests? For instance, we're quick to block accounts that are aggressively annoying our users, but we're only like 5 users with the most followed having under 5k followers, so we only get about 1 request/wk.
Why is it when you put a bunch of sheets and pillowcases in the dryer with a duvet cover, the duvet cover swallows everything else in the dryer and rolls it all into a tight ball so after a full cycle nothing is actually dry?
Dear Katie Benner of the NYT, who thinks we need to listen more to Trump supporters because "there's something there we're not understanding." It's RACISM. Sure their answers don't make sense because no one is going to say "it's because I'm racist", so they make something else up. But I grew up in the suburban south and I can tell you my dirt-poor relatives with job insecurity HATE Trump. The ones that love him are the better-off ones with secure employment who I happen to know are racist.
@feld I have used both pans, I have direct experience of being frustrated with eggs sticking to a Lodge pan, and the joy of them not sticking to a Field pan. But if you like a rough pan more, go for it.
@feld Flax oil does not smooth pitted iron. You get a much more non-stick surface on a well-seasoned smooth pan than on a well-seasoned rough pan. I’ve used both Lodge and Field and the field is much better. Considering these pans last generations, to me going with the lodge is a false economy.
@feld These pots are stainless. Apparently you can make a bad stainless pot. You can also make a bad cast iron: Lodge for instance. They don’t bother to take the extra step of grinding the cooking surface smooth. I used to have one of these, which was much nicer: https://fieldcompany.com But I couldn’t move abroad with it. Which is fine because it turns out I like carbon steel much better. It’s like cast iron but featherweight.
So what brands do this? Well, All Clad had a class action lawsuit against them for this, but they aren’t the only offenders. My pots with this problem are by Demeyere, J.A. Henkels, and Mauviel. The one pot I have that was done right is by a Swiss company called Spring, and is in their Brigade Premium line.
Boosts of this thread are welcome. I'd like to help others not waste money on expensive pots that cause lacerations, and also shame these companies for cutting corners in a way that injures their customers. Except Spring! Good job Spring for, uh, welding those corners, and making a quality pot!
My partner has been getting bloody cuts from one of my pots.. and after a deep dive through the internet and my pots and pans drawer I've discovered that several premium brands of pots leave multi-ply edges un-welded. The result? After years of putting them in the dishwasher (which they claim to be rated for) the aluminum layer corrodes and recedes, leaving razor-sharp stainless edges sticking out. Here are some photos so you know what to look for when buying pots.
@mekkaokereke This is a great thread! I grew up in Louisiana and had very few black teachers. But my middle school Louisiana history teacher was black, and she had us watch Roots. I think this was a stroke of genius because I don't remember that much of Louisiana history, but I do remember Roots!
Things I like:🌐 Blender 🤖 automation🤸🏻 wacky sports🧶 knitting🌱 gardeningIk probeer mijn Nederlands te verbeteren, dus praat maar even Nederlands met me 🙂🇳🇱Neuroqueer flag by lucky-leaf-clover on tumblr.