@Zergling_man I can't see his posts from poa.st and if I try to see then from your instance it doesn't show posts, it shows a notice with the everything is an app image.
@Zergling_man I have a command like that. I use find + rsync to sync files from my VPS to my local machine: ssh *ssh_arguments* vpsuser@vpshost "find /path -mmin -1200 -print" | rsync -Pvams --files-from=- --no-relative -e "ssh *ssh_arguments*" vpsuser@vpshost:/ "./" I skipped some arguments but those are the important ones.
@Meemoo I'm not an emu dev but I don't like retroarch because often they hide what emulator is doing the work behind the scenes, so extra research is required. Also bloat.
@ChristiJunior I've always seen the incest fetish, disclaimer and the only stories I've known aren't real, I only seen these in sadpanda, as the ultimate convenient fantasy, as in everybody already knows everybody, same location, already hidden since it's at home, sex can happen anytime at home... I sort of see the appeal that way... otherwise yeah degeneracy. Bonus disclaimer I have a sister and she is probably the family member I'm in most bad terms with.
@anonaccount Every time someone "discovers" something like this it never goes past the "discovery". I remember back in the early 2000s, a 100~GB CDROM was "discovered" and that was it.
@Pawlicker You can use >journalctl -k to check dmesg without root/sudo in systemd distros and if your user is in adm? can't remember the group name right now... the archwiki group section explains it.
@samjayganges@ChristiJunior@LukeAlmighty I'm not saying Russia has to embrace national socialism, I don't think they don't even have to mention it, but there is big a difference between: Being very vocal about "nazis bad" and never mentioning the jews. And: Just ignore the nazi stuff but mention who is really behind the Ukraine conflict (and most of the issues in the world right now). Or do both, in the end even if they are anti-nazi the main issue is the JQ.
If Putin would reverse what he ignored to what he is vocal in those issues I (and everybody?) would be Russia "numba one". In the interview there were several times where Tucker asked "but who do you think is behind X?" for any up to speed person the answer would easily have been "the jews" but Putin always went for "I don't know" which is very sus. I'm still pro Russia anyway, because they are forcing a lot of ZOG issues + acceleration, but I don't think this behavior is good foreshadowing.
@ChristiJunior@LukeAlmighty >Ironically, it almost seems like Russia is full of anti-Nazi Nazis, while Ukraine is full of Nazis controlled by kikes (AZOG). In a meta irony sense it's jewish characteristic (being anti-nazi while being the closest thing to it, like jews being pro immigration while their country is an ethnostate). That's why I think this narrative is bound to fail, at some point "what goes around comes around".