@TrevorGoodchild I don't understand why in war they can claim 'collateral damage' when civilians are killed, but they can't sink a few of these boats and kill everyone onboard and just claim the same. Sink one of these boats. Execute all but 1 guy. Send him back to tell what happened. Like magic, no more boats will be coming. It sucks, but violence is the only language these people understand.
@TrevorGoodchild As of this moment I see the new Trump admin fighting all it's battles against the GOP and the left fighting amongst themselves about who's in charge of their party. Which is a positive direction.
@TrevorGoodchild@matty It'll still be done halfassed at best, as everything is with him. Just like the border wall could have been built with defense funds they had secured, and send the Army corps of engineers to do it. Didn't happen. He promised to get rid of birthright citizenship last time too. Didn't happen.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@qwerty We need like pedohunters, but for these scumbags. Just to follow them around and slap the shit outta them when they get outta line.
@TrevorGoodchild@stoner713@dubbub@Viking5050@judgedread Spot on with the ship designs. They were the best part. But still no Guild Navigator? Cmon man... I sat through the first one, then kinda skipped through the 2nd. I like Momoa, but he can't be any Duncan other than Grugg Duncan. Mentat Duncan just won't work with him.
More gay/more niggers/kikes playing White people. That's the Hollywood checklist now.
@TrevorGoodchild@BattleDwarfGimli Yeah they hit a bit of a wall when you get to God Emperor. When I was growing up everyone always said they'd never be able to pull off a good live action Lord of The Rings. God Emperor of Dune has that distinction now. They'd make half the movie flashback scenes with just Leto II living in his own head. The ultimate incel.
@Shadowman311@Griffith@YourAverageNewfag Spec ops might not follow the orders, but hired mercenaries would. If they start deputizing mercs, shits going hot. This isn't the USSR, people are still armed, and it's why they've spent the last 35yrs trying to clamp down on militia movements.
@idea_enjoyer@UnityOstara@r000t@moomin@mer@coolboymew Hey if I'm hungry I'll eat damn near anything. I just don't like sweet stuff on hot food. For me sweetness only belongs on cold deserts and fruit, and maybe coffee.