Just thanked John #Fetterman for his vote against the anti-trans legislation yesterday. If you're in #Pennsylvania please do the same. He's such a wildcard he needs all the positive reinforcement he can get. Call 202-224-4254 menu option 1, takes two minutes and you only need to talk to a voicemail.
@http_error_418@tek@Remittancegirl My strategy is just to buy whatever's cheap and make sure I have the NAS in a 2 drive failure config (RAID6 or SHR2) with 3-2-1.
@float13 I knew it, but its important to remember that sometimes folks put out free infrastructure like instances and phpBB forums just because the world is better off for it being there.
We are apparently at the part of the Hegseth nominations where a powerful man looks at another knowingly and says: It's okay, we all beat our wives in private, that's why we go to church and pretend to repent in public.
Saw my first Facebook post from someone angry that the ACLU of PA is suing our school district for speech violations after they trespassed parents who confronted a school board member in the parking lot after the meeting and required a local (in the district) address on a PA ID to be allowed to enter the a public board meeting. #Souderton#ACLU#PublicSchools#OpenMeetings
I'm old enough to remember when Russia bought a nine-year-old LiveJournal to identify and stifle local dissenters who were using the platform to mobilize. The whole Twitter thing happened before and it'll happen again, over and over again until we fucking learn.
@jimcarroll To be fair, the rest of my week is *also* filled with undocumented Node and Ruby platform updates, so maybe it just blended in with the rest of the noise
Coder, pest of local gov'ts, mason & tech nerd. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. I love flashlights, social justice and public schools. Forged in the fires of the Internet of the 1990s.:react: :csharp: :bash: :radio_tower: :masonic: :vim: :BLM: :ally: