Today marks the first day that we're eating food that has either been grown by us or traded for with stuff grown by us for every meal.
Eggs we traded habeneros for, bread we traded eggplants for, lettuce from our garden, baba ghanoush from our garden, and lentil soup entirely from our or our neighbors garden, pickles from cucumbers we grew ourselves.
That makes these meals simultaneously the most expensive and also cheapest I've ever eaten, depending on how you look at it.
@GossiTheDog Yeah, I get that, I already edited my post to make it clear that I know it's not that "easy". Sorry, I realized the tone could be mistaken a bit too late.
@GossiTheDog@davidfetter@JRFreeman Hold on, am I understanding correctly that it's not hard requirement of mastodon, just. . ."they haven't gotten to it yet"?
If so, my original point stands, with the addition of "Mastodon has to implement basic functionality that even my own personal crappy websites support" ;)
@JRFreeman@GossiTheDog the content is still there, the servers probably weren't hosted in Afghanistan.
It's as simple as purchasing a new domain name, updating your certs, changing some server settings (to reference the new domain in generated links) and sending an email to your users with the new domain in it.
Like, this is actually one of those things in IT that doesn't have a lot of hidden complexity: the process I described is the _whole process_.
@mattly@luna They're releasing, like, a separate animation app? I thought procreate supported animations already? Or are they going full-on, like, CelAction2D animation?
@luna You mentioned in the post that you're looking for alternatives for doodling. Are you familiar with Procreate? I would be surprised if you weren't, but _just in case_, I'm letting you know that I love it, and that it's well worth the money.
I know it's not really a "doodling" app, but it supports my crappy doodles just fine. :D
If I need to figure out some tricky bit of syntax, taking the time to lay out what I need in a way that a LLM can understand it makes me figure out what I need before even sending the question.
That's called rubber ducking, and it isn't new.
Unit tests? Source generation.
Boilerplate? Source templates.
The few times I've actually asked it meaningful questions, it confidently gave me incorrect syntax.
@thomasfuchs Lots of markets are shrinking after their heights during the pandemic.
I always feel the need to throw water on both pro- and anti-VR people by reminding them that VR is a subset of MR, which is tremendously applicable, given we've been doing it for decades (think GPS units in cars).
Like, I can point to plenty of real-world applications of VR that exist _right now_, and I can also point to things that are needlessly VR-ified.
In the end, reality, as always, sits in the middle.
@thomasfuchs I know a lot of people think ready player one was hit or miss, but the arcade described in the first book is literally the reason I bought a vr headset after years of waffling.
It will happen, hopefully soon, but it _will_. Even if I have to add another side project to the list.
@nova there's nothing wrong with corporations as a concept, there is a massive problem with how certain laws and societal norms are structured that shapes their incentives.
Software Developer, dad, animal person. Maybe not in that order? #opensourceYou'll mostly see me posting about #TTRPG, #GameDev, #Programming / #SoftwareDevelopment (primarily #DotNet, #FSharp, and #FunctionalProgramming, but also lots of others!), #parenting, and a little bit of #Woodworking. I also post about #HamRadio over on @b4ux1t3!he/him