@sun This may be not the best thread to hog attention, but... when I was looking for a job in recent years, I wanted to be typecast no more. To do satellites or at least something space-related was my dream job. But here I am implementing S3 for the 4th time (tabled, OpenStack Swift, Ceph RGW, and now Weka nee MinIO). Am I turning into one of those guys who did COBOL until they dropped dead at their desk with a heart attack? Probably not a concern for someone doing crypto AI just yet, but it will be.
@kaia@sun I built an inclinometer for a Jeep once. It's a board that has an accelerometer, driven by the same CPU that Artuino uses, although I used ATtiny85 for some random reasons. LEDs indicate how off vertical you are. It worked great! Once I got this out of my system, I uploaded the design to my website and returned to software.
@sun@kaia When I was a boy, we built blinking LEDs with 2 transistors in a "multi-vibrator" configuration. Our fathers built them using an RC integrator and magic.
@sun I share the sentiment, but is it ever that bad?
Over the months of December and November, I searched:
how to paste code in jira python boto3 with private server python boto3 list_buckets how to carve a turkey how to roast a turkey how to remove projects from zed how to remove submodule from a commit local struct in dlang git find tags pointing to a branch
Maybe I do not program enough. Also, I use paper books (especially Ali Cehreli "Programming in D" recently - my favourite chapter is "Index").
Interesting point about /64 vs VMs. I solve it by running OSPF on VM hosts (even laptops), but that is very cumbersome and relies on IP redirects. I suppose I could re-number to /60. I'm on RFC-4193 anyway.
BTW, I used IPv6 NAT for years and years. It became because the support for DHCPv6 in Fedora had critical bugs, and because some providers did not support DHCPv6 at all. I was only guaranteed to have 1 address, therefore NAT. My current provider gives out a /48, but NAT works, so there's no point in avoiding it.
@feld@FloatingGhost@sun Do you guys remember a CN skit with Jon Stewart where he says "Apple, Jones, Camera 3" and rants how "your amazing iPone cannot keep a call in the middle of New York City!"
@pavel@micr0 I don't think whitespace is the main problem with YAML.
Per Martin Tournolj: "YAML may seem ‘simple’ and ‘obvious’ when glancing at a basic example, but turns out it’s not. The YAML spec is 23,449 words; for comparison, TOML is 3,339 words, JSON is 1,969 words, and XML is 20,603 words." From https://www.arp242.net/yaml-config.html
A couple of months ago, my interview task was to find a property in some kind of a PCI ROM. They have an obscure spec with rather strange definition. The trick was: what happens if your ROM is full of zeros (a naive interpretation of the spec would make the program loop forever in that case)? What if it's full of ones? What happens if the property is at the end of page? Program workarounds to make it safe.