@EvolLove@PNS He has a point, he really does. However on some of the videos of the astronauts in the moon operating cameras you can see they had a lever in the camera and they were just hitting it with the side of the hand.
But again, I think he has a very valid point and in many situations makes me raise a good eyebrow.
I personally think that "if" we went to the moon it didn't happen how it was presented. What I am 100% sure of is that we saw a movie version of it.
@Xenophon@BowsacNoodle@givenup@sickburnbroPoa.st has a life of its own and decided to bring old threads into the timeline, then due to a mixture of "stupid" and sleep deprivation every now and then reply to an old thread.
@Xenophon@BowsacNoodle@givenup@sickburnbro Evangelical? Just ask him about the end times and how they want to bring the jews to Israel so they (the jews) die and there is rapture and the second coming of Christ.
You can't reason with these heretics, just give them rope so they hang themselves in front of everybody.
@MummaBear@GettingCooked@EvolLove Don't worry Starmer is now the leader of the free world, just be careful with what you post in farcebook and always remember to praise Zelensky.
@EvolLove@GettingCooked@MummaBear That is how this works, the NPCs can't process information, just react according to what's on the screen 24/7 they have no memory and no CPU for processing, all that is outsourced to the content of the screen and the reinforcement they obtain from each other.
The screen = "MSM Radio-TV, Press, and social media"
@gentoobro@feld@Leyonhjelm This is one of these "THING" that is happening because everybody says it has to happen lets you not be cool like "insert big corporation name".
Next, the janitor will operate your peritonitis saar, it is all automated, there is nothing to fear.
@sun@lain What hardware, what kernel, if I get stutter or any issue is driver related I roll back to the previous version and check if it has been reported, usually doesn't hurt to run the old version of something for a while.
I had to do that in an old Mac Mini that ran kernel 6.6 fine but breaks with 6.11, nothing happens if you roll back to a previously working version, that is expected.
See what is happening from Win10 to 11, everybody is complaining lately of slowdowns regressions, etc and there is people reinstalling 10 because they can't work with 11.
That is part and parcel of computing, Linux is no different.
@lain@sun What kernel, what distro, what hardware?
It works in all my computers just fine, I run mostly on AMD hardware though.
I can tell you that of all my friends I'm the one with no audio issues ever and I'm the only one running Linux.
My mic always work, my headset always work, resetting the sound mixer always works, I can record anything, I can connect any input to any output, bluetooth works always, etc.
What I do though is get rid of things not supported or problematic ASAP, buying a bluetooth dongle for $7 that has a broken crashy driver and keeping it is stupid, get one that's supported. Same for wifi dongles that do not have mainlined kernel support, to the bin it goes. Same for audio stuff. Linux is no different than Windows or MacOS, trying to use a piece of equipment not supported is asking for unnecessary problems.
@sun@lain Systemd for example is heavily inspired on launchd from MacOS.
Wayland is not as bad as people claim, trust me I am a X11 diehard and when wayland works well it trounces X11.
The entire Wayland edifice and ecosystem lacks maturity. Sadly the reference implementation is useless to the point where in practical terms is like it doesn't exist other than as some kind of demo.
Things are accelerating though and finally we're not that far away from running our desktops on a Wayland based compositor or another.
I have been doing tests lately and while I won't run it yet, I could live with it now if I had to. Trust me I'm one of those you'll take X.org from my dead cold hands types and I can see things moving in the right direction now.
@lain@sun The components in Windows, BSD/MacOS are integrated from top to bottom, in what you call Linux the OS is the sum of what would be multiple disconnected companies working with a common shared core.
The correct approach to Linux is to always consider what program you are running to perform what task.
The concept is no different when you install notepad+ in Windows, in Linux this concept is just extended to every component including the base tools, the people who wrote the ls or the cat command do not work for the same company that does the kernel so to speak.
This is why different Linux distributions use different tools for similar tasks and why they are different from each other and have different problems and different behaviour. This is also why you have dozen of desktops with different levels of maturity for example which seem to always disagree on what's the best approach while on Windows you have an unified vision and experience for good or bad.
The audio in MacOS was done by Apple for AppleOS to run on Apple hardware, vertically integrated, of course it works, they paid their devs so it works out of the box.
In Linux several parts had to be worked on separately, first the kernel driver part (alsa) then the kernel itself had to improve, then people wrote software mixers (oss, pulse, jack) each tryng to solve the same problem with different priorities, then came pipewire which is better than the rest and does pulse and jack protocols too.
Wayland is the same, however wayland's adoption is a disaster because as someone mentioned it is a full 100% incompatible rewrite and an untested paradigm.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS For as long as the kikes control Europe and the USA army is there, they will try to engineer a war with Russia, removing the troops from the continent will make the Eurokikes think twice about that.
Trump wants to prevent an european israel where they keep causing trouble with the neighbours because uncle sam will come to the rescue.
The Europeans have to suffer penance accept they are not the empire and start buying (or produce) the resources they need it is the 21st century, you do not need to invade anybody, everybody wants to sell what they have at a reasonable price.
What the Europeans want is to plunder a resource for $1 and sell it to the rest of the world for $100 and this includes their citizens.
If I gave that impression it wasn't my intention, I've never disputed Ukraine was a country nor never said there aren't a unique people there, I've said from the beginning that there are "ethnic conflicts" that relate to the war, conflicts that are alien to the west and that the kikes used to drive a wedge between them.
There was no need for this war whatsoever, its only purpose was to use the crazies in the Ukraine side to try to weaken Russia so the (((west))) could plunder both Ukraine and Russia for the next 250 years.
Yes, modern Ukraine was "assembled" by the Soviets, so what? Most of the borders of Europe changed before, during and and after WWI and WWII, that is not the point.
And now the borders are going to change again because stupid, but alas, REALITY.
That is not the argument at all, the argument is that the west-installed Kike-banderite government ruling Kiev decided to go genocidal for national-ethnic reasons.
The rationale that modern Ukraine is a political construct of the Soviets came into the spotlight well after 2020.