Notices by KidKnievel (
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Storytime...... @HockeyDoxie
My eldest son and I will do Hands-On reptile education for seniors schools Church groups Etc we were asked to do one for a home for disabled people they were having a family Christmas party and there was 600 people there , they gave a table to set up at in the courtyard , they had a magician face painting crafts a pony all of the usual Fair . When my arrived and started setting up people realized we were not like the typical animal people we had very rare fauna, we had an African bullfrog the size of a dinner plate we had scorpions glowing under a black light beautiful tarantulas we had a 6-ft black throat monitor scaleless bearded dragon and banded skinks that were a new import and had been discovery only a couple of years prior so we were one of the first to have them . Everybody that was set up saw all of the party attendees flocked to our table and stayed there talking about and touching many of the animals. One of the other things that we had that was cool was a Brazilian smooth snake also known as a false water cobra . Have a similar body structure and head and they are a mimic when agitated they will stand up and make a small Hood similar to a cobra . Because everybody was around us the courtyard filled up and nobody could get through which irritated the staff all of the other people being paid to be there got angry because everybody abandoned and they were worried they wouldn't get invited back when it was dinner time nobody would go in to eat so the family members that lived there sat alone which then turned into a bunch of arguing at one point
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If I lived close enough to you I would do private parties for your grandkids like for their birthday and such I do that now for my friends and it is always a big hit and at the end of my presentation I pass out suckers with real scorpions inside that you can eat
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Punxsutawney Kek saw his shadow six more weeks till........ Who cares?...... Where's the new Kek toons?
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Chi coms got to you?
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Lunar new year
Chi com = Chinese communists
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Oh I guess other countries and cultures recognize it, but in any event I think daddy needs to spank you anyway
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No but it will help me 😍
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Renaissance @Jonny
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Kermit..... That you?
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I think Bing Bong measured that pipe with his dick
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The joooooooooooooos are getting sneaky
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Isn't this him?
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I love going horseback riding with @HockeyDoxie
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I think these guys are plagiarizing @matty s greatest hits
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For the person with the kidney stone it is a lack of magnesium I have made the four primary types of kidney stones and at one point I was producing three different types of stones at the same time after adding magnesium citrate powdered to my water my kidney stones have gone away at one point I had over a hundred tiny kidney stones and since they were too small for treatment I got to pass some of them but luckily the Magnesium helped , don't waste your time with magnesium tablets they don't dissolve nor get absorbed quick enough
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The Simpsons.......
@Jonny @ArmadilloRancher
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I saw her once in Beverly Hills once, not attractive
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I'm glad to hear Jonny is not going to drink , I honestly meant when I said you're an intelligent guy and you have a lot of good information to share
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the sad part is that if we form a truce I'm not going to be able to run my Jonny feature that I've been working, if any of you remember from blab once a week I would have a new installment of the deplorable bunch featuring @NoDoxGregBrady and his TV family , the feature I was working on was called Jonny Hitler, it would feature Jonny as Hitler in our time today having to deal with our Modern Problems like jews spics and niggers
- User ID
- 89164
- Member since
- 18 Jan 2023
- Notices
- 147
- Daily average
- 0