@lain@augustus@dave On a serious note, most mid-west and southern states thought William Jennings Bryan was going to win in a landside in 1896. I'm surprised the election hasn't been subject to populist-conspiracy theory re-examination. Instead McKinley took the landside, despite all the vocal and apparent popular support Bryan had.
@GalacticTurtle@Mynona@DoctorDee I've done some reading and researching on American communes and such. It requires a religious grounding to keep them going, recruiting and staying alive. Now this "religion" can also be spiritualism, cultish, etc. It just needs some foundation of higher beliefs to sustain itself. There will never be a rational commune that Turtle could fit happily into. Reason is not sustaining, but plenty have tried. The closest thing Turtle could find today that resembles a reason-based commune is a small island community off the coast somewhere. Or a house-boat community.
@Rogue_Koala@Flick If Rogue is going to keep browsing and posting from IG, he needs to dig through the soapbox code and figure out how to embed IG content. I'm sure @alex can point him to the right area to look for the embed code. Just fix it up and submit a pull request.
@Piss_Ant@mushroom_soup They could be one of the rare few who experiences hallucinations with THC. Then they'll get to talk to bored but obscure Saints about the state the world, or find out some of their friends are shape-shifting lizard people.
@Blackgendermoderate An aging feminist told me, this is ends when the rich dudes and politicians have no where to send their mistresses and rape victims to get abortions. When those dna-confirmed rape-babies belong to politicians and plutarchs, we will see change.