@Suiseiseki@lustlion Found the #rms disciple. “I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as #Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, #GNU plus Linux.”
@bmann@delong@ricmac@bobwyman No eulogy for the first wave of #blogging and #RSS is complete without laying blame on #Google for turning #GoogleReader into the leading feed reader (so much so that even RSS innovator @davew had to contort his feed under duress to remain compatible), and then unceremoniously killing it, scattering its users to the embrace of siloed #SocialMedia.
@me@downey#Keybase is suffering slow bitrot after the company was acqui-hired by #Zoom. Parts of the desktop software no longer work on the latest #macOS, #Mastodon removed its end of verification integration from the software, the browser extension doesn’t work on most sites, #GitHub issues piling up unanswered. Abandon ship, the founders did.
Oh, and #Slack, #Discord, #Steam, etc., all down the line too. Unless they have end-to-end #encryption where *you* and *only you* have the *only* private key, it’s not #private. No exceptions.
ATTENTION EVERYONE WRINGING THEIR HANDS OVER “#MASTODON ADMINS CAN READ MY DIRECT MESSAGES”: #SysAdmins have *always* been able to read your #email and DMs unless encrypted, including at the big #SocialNetworks and Internet providers. We used to have t-shirts that said, “I READ YOUR EMAIL.”
It’s just hitting now because you got used to places where the admins were kept away in their cubicles and data centers instead of greeting you at the front door.
I help #Perl #software #developers build modern, disciplined applications by writing easy-to-maintain #code with confidence. #Objectivist. Was personally corrected about Cunningham’s Law.